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everywhere 后面一般不需要接定语从句,纯属多余。不如直接用地点状语从句简练、干脆。比较:You find problems and faults everywhere  where there are really none. (定语从句)You find problems and faults  where there are really none. (地点状语从句)

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not having sex 在这里是状语还是主语

It's just two people going out to dinner and not having sex.不要孤立地问第二个动名词。其实,这两个动名词是并列的:going out to dinner and not having sex. 而 two people 为其逻辑主语。这是“动名词复合结构”,作表语,描述 it 的内容。it 可能指“男女约会” 这个事件。

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be shed from...into...语法结构成分分析?

Children everywhere still need to be immunized, and children whose immune systems are weak,sometimes get a type of polio that's shed from the vaccine into sewage.世界各地的儿童仍然需要免疫接种,而免疫系统薄弱的儿童有时会患上一种脊髓灰质炎,这种病会从疫苗中扩散于污水中。that's shed from the v...

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on June 20, 2020  06:50:12 AM.蓝色的为正规表达,后面的具体时间是随便写的,只要明白就行,不必讲究规则或对错。不规范的表达,我们汉语还少吗?

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不好理解descend the slope(顺坡向下走)

descend 的用法:1. 不及物动词:意为“下降”(descend from 从...下降;descend to 下降到...)They descended from the mountaintop.他们从山顶下来。The elevator descended to the ground floor.电梯下降到底楼。2. 及物动词:意为“沿…向下”(本身带有“沿着”之意)The children descended the hill.孩子们下山了。She de...

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▲ 一般说来,从属连词引导的时间状语从句、原因状语从句、条件状语从句、让步状语从句,放在主句之前或之后均可。(例句略)▲ 对于结果状语从句、目的状语从句、方式状语从句、比较状语从句而言,一般放在主句之后。例如:1. 目的状语从句:I hurried through my work in order that I could be in time for wonderful TV p...

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would have done的一个用法分析

Yet he could not tell anyone about his theory as the powerful Christian Church would have punished him for even suggesting such an idea.这个问题不难理解。在as 引导的原因从句中,for even suggesting such an idea 相当于一个虚拟条件句:if he had even suggested such an idea全句可理解为:the powerful Chri...

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use mobile phone可以不加s吗


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Three sun-belt states -- Florida, Texas and California -- together had nearly 10 million more people in 1980 than a decade earlier. 【翻译】三个阳光充沛的州---佛罗里达、得克萨斯和加利福尼亚,1980年的总共人口比10年前增加了近1000万。 【分析】1. 10 million more people than:比.....多出1000万。2. m...

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I am always being with you 是否有语法错误呢

是的。改正的办法是去掉being:I am always with you. 我永远和你在一起(永远支持你)。be with sb.的意思是:“和某人在一起;支持、拥护、赞同某人”。【说明】英语中,系表结构一般不用于进行时态。尤其是“be +介词短语”结构表示状态,状态本身就表示进行,故没必要使用进行时态。但有时表示性质、品质等的形容词如:fool...

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