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To be convincing: to provide powerful support for a belief and to overcome doubts.I told her to leave us alone and not to interfere in our problems.以上两句,两个不定式虽然是并列关系,但在这个并列关系前提下,又存在其他关系:句1,第二个不定式是前面不定式的目的或结果;句2,第二个不定式与前面不定式在结...

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hope 的宾语从句,并非一定要接将来时。用一般现在时的情况很多,也有过去时和完成时的情况。hope 也可以表示“对过去情况的一种期待”。这时,从句用一般过去时或现在完成时,均可。I hope you've both got stout shoes. 我希望你们两个都穿结实的鞋。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》意思是,我的希冀是,你们两人已经买到、得...

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Satan's minions at work again...​请问此处是省略了谓语动词吗...

Oh, Satan's minions (are)at work again...此句省略了系动词 are。be at work:开始工作。根据上下文可以引申为:开始行动;开始忙活;开始活跃。噢,撒旦的奴才又开始活跃了… 

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关于set sb. down和set down sb.的疑问

学会举一反三。不要仅仅限于某个动词词组。你知道, set down 是“写下;制定;使某人下车”,是及物动词词组,且set 是及物动词,那么,down 一定是副词。至此,你应该明白:它的宾语可以在down 之后,或在set 和 down 之间,因为 set 是及物的。所有的这类动词都是这个用法,例如:put up(举手;提出), take off (脱衣)...

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Yet a considerable number of the most significant collections of criticism published in the 20th century consisted in large part of newspaper reviews. To read such books today is to marvel at the fact that their learned contents were once deemed suitable for publication in general-circulation dailie...

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It was a town of sighs and silence, with none of the studied advertisements of sorrow.【直译】这是一座到处叹息和沉寂的城镇,没有故意表露悲伤。【意译】小城一片叹息,一片寂静,可谁也没有表露悲伤。【结构分析】It was a town是主要结构。1. of sighs and silence 作定语修饰town,意为“一座叹息和寂静的城镇”。2...

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one of China’s most popular traditional是不是少了冠词

名词之前若有了其他限定词,如专有名词的所有格或物主代词等修饰时,不能再用冠词(包括不定冠词和定冠词)。这是因为,这些限定词不能同时修饰同一个名词。1. This is a book. 这是一本书。This is my book. 这是我的一本书。(不能再用a)This is Tom’s book. 这是汤姆的一本书。(不能再用a)2. I found the book. 我找...

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things nails是什么意思

Belgian federal prosecutors said the search of a home in the Brussels neighborhood of Schaerbeek "led to the discovery of an explosive device containing among other things nails." Investigators also found chemical products and an ISIS flag.请问things nails是什么?【答】things 和nails 没有...

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英语长难句分析(涉及as所引导的从句以及so as too better的意思...

As these countries tap into China's red tourism market, China is also hoping to attract more international tourists to its red sites so as to better tell China's story to the world.【翻译】随着这些国家进军中国的红色旅游市场,中国也希望能够吸引更多的国际游客来参观她的红色遗址,这样就可以更好...

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why后面引导的句子是同位语从句还是定语从句?There is no reason why we should not be friends.我知道下面这个句子是同位语从句:there is no doubt that he will come。两个句子怎么比较?【答】在There is no reason why we should not be friends.中,why we should not be friends是定语从句,不是同位语从句。理由是...

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