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1. put the core mission front and center.   把核心任务摆在重要位置。front and center 是个形容词短语,在本句用作宾补。其实,它已经演变为“习语”,意为“在重要的位置”。前沿和中心——引申为“重要位置”。put 有时可接以形容词、副词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。2. limit the flow of dollars out of the...

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网友的质疑有一定道理。“文艺创作的源泉”这个说法,是不错的。composition 表示“构成”和“创作”之意时,是不可数名词,也符合本句。但由于主语which 指代 Historic sites(历史遗迹,遗址),只能给作家以灵感,不能是“创作的源泉”。众所周知,只有生活才是创作的源泉。所以,我只能说,填composition 语法正确,语义错...

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不一样。as a report puts it in an different context:此句成分完整,as 是从属连词,引导方式状语从句。as expected = as was expected:此为比较状语从句。as 从句缺少成分,as 暗示做从句主语。

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now more than ever和不定式的分析

Now more than ever, we have an opportunity to overcome the systemic oppression that denies women their rights.1. Now more than ever,这是一个表示“频度”的副词结构,作状语修饰have,意思是“现在比以往任何时候(都有机会.....)”。知道意思、会用即可。2. opportunity 和to overcome... 的关系是:不定式作定...

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can never have 与 can't have 语义上有区别吗

实际上,never 比not 的否定程度更大。not...too, never...too... 结构,表面上not 和never 是否定动词have,实质上是“否定转移”,成了否定副词too,意为“不会/决不太过”——引申为“再...也不为过”。对此结构,切忌望文生义。网友的问题,归根结底还是“否定转移”的问题。我举几个常见的否定转移的固定用法:一、not 否定比较...

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each increasing the yield 10-30%中each词性判断

The major crops have been improved 4-5 times, each increasing the yield 10-30%.这里, each increasing the yield 10-30% 是“独立主格结构”。each 是不定代词,指the major crops 中的“每一种”,充当了独立主格结构的逻辑主语。

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是宾语从句。tell 可以接双宾语。直接宾语可以是something,也可以是that 从句。如:tell sb. sth.tell sb. that (从句)

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网友把一个修饰survived 的地点状语throughout the world,跟一个名词性词组half of them 放在一起,让人分析。正如网友zbr 所言:先区分一下连字符和破折号。By 1970, according to a World Wildlife Fund report, only about 4500 tigers survived throughout the world —— half of them (were/lived)in India.这是破折...

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more than 后的动词

1. I can do more than talk to you. (正)2. I can do more than talking to you. (误)句1,实际是在than 之后省略了与主句重复的成分:I can do more than I can talk to you. 我能做的不仅仅是和你说话。句2,在 can 后可以接动词原形,不能接doing:I can do more than I can talking to you. (误)

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①Crises in international diplomacy do not always result from malice; for nations, like individuals, can find themselves locked into difficult positions, unable to back down.请问老师,unable to back down,形容词作状语吗?修饰locked?【答】unable to back down,是形容词短语作状语,具体说是“结果状语”,...

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