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Those changes all are to help increase your income.Those changes are all to help increase your income.all 是一个不定代词,在这两句中,它无论在are 之前或之后,都是Those changes 的同位语。all 还可以用作副词,表示程度,意为“完全;彻底”。这要具体情况,具体对待。比较:They are all in favor of my suggesti...

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省略句补充(​No more smile...)

每个省略句之前补充:There was... 或 I could hear..., 试试:1. There was no more smile, and (there was) no more chitchat. There was only the drip drip drip of the rain.2. I could hear no more smile, and (I could hear) no more chitchat. I could hear only the drip drip drip of...

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网友写错了单词(不是 goods,而是 good)。这里面没有主语从句,只有状语从句:主句:the good views around you will keep your spirit high.状语从句:While you are runningkeep your spirit high:让你的情绪保持高涨While you are running, the good views around you will keep your spirit high.【翻译】当你跑步时...

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It's about a year behind in my right leg.behind 是副词,可以用于表示时间,意思是“迟于;推迟”。在本句作 is 的表语, a year 是 behind 的程度状语,意思是“推迟了一年;晚了一年”。这句话的字面意思是:“我的右腿在.....方面,推迟了大约一年的时间。”本句,只有在具体上下文里,才能判断其具体含义。例如,可以...

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with sth to do 和 with sth to be done 有区别吗

关于以下两个结构,我跟曹老师的看法略有不同。With lots of work to do, I can't go with you. With lots of work to be done, I can't go with you.划线部分,有两大区别:1. 前句,肯定是主语“我” 去做这些工作。后句,可能是主语“我” 去做,也可能是别人去做。至于谁去做不明确。信息的重心是“有工作...

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be meant to be doing怎么辨别是不定式是进行时还是系表结构

I was meant to be working on Sunday, but I just fooled around all day.We are meant to be operating as a team.be meant to do 应该做;照理该做,按规矩该做网友考虑得过于复杂。黑体部分,都是不定式的进行体,跟一般体没有太大差别。其他不用考虑。

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The director general of international labour organization, Juan Somavia, notes that some countries have taken measures to address the effects of the global crisis.1.notes 谓语动词,“指出”。2.have taken 是 that 宾语从句的谓语动词“采取”。3.to address 动词不定式,“解决应对;处理”。【翻译】国际劳工组织...

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Where is the toilet?where 是疑问副词,在本句用来引导特殊疑问句。它跟 is 不是修饰关系,而是“表语和系动词” 的关系,即:where 作 is 的表语。是两个互相依赖的系表成分。看句子的答语,就知道where 的成分:It is on the second floor./ over there.(划线部分为表语)

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1.Icould hardly remember how many times _____ I've failed. 这里只能用that吗?可以省略吗?【答】不是省略的问题,而是不能加 that,也不能加when。因为后面 I've failed 不是定语从句。你去掉后看看。这里,how many...引导特殊疑问句(作宾语从句)。2.This was at a time ____ there were no TV, no co...

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