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并列句还是结果状语从句(涉及and so...)

首先判断,It was not a valuable book 和 a poor man who could read very little bought it for a few coins,这两个分句之间蕴含着“因果关系”。表达这种并列关系,其实用and 和so任何一个词就OK了;如果两个连用,后面那个必定是副词。下面的3个说法都对:1. It was not a valuable book, and a poor man who could read...

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He often eats more than is good for his health.1. more than 结构,可以按字面体会细节:吃的量多于对身体有益的量。那意味着:吃多了,不利健康。2. 也可以干脆理解为“取舍关系”:than 之前的部分为“取”(肯定),之后为“舍”(否定)。例如:The pain was almost more than he could bear. 那疼痛他几乎忍受不了。I lov...

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Just as he reached her如何理解

句子没错。不过你的书写把两个单词连在一起了。应改为:Just as he reached her,the horse stopped suddenly.Just as he reached her:时间状语从句。just用在时间连词as前,表示强调。the horse stopped suddenly:主句。【翻译】就在他走到她的身边时,马突然停住了。又如:He jumped onto the bus just as it was pull...

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achieved very little是动宾还是动状

网友这个问题,确实是个问题!因为achieve 既是“及物动词”,又是“不及物动词”,又因为very little 既是“不定代词”,又是“程度副词”,所以,就For all his boasting, he has achieved very little. 这个句子而言,怎么分析都对:1. achieved是及物动词,不定代词very little 作宾语。2. achieved是不及物动词,程度副词very...

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语法规则要求,在条件句中,不能使用将来时,要用一般时代替将来时。If it will be useful for Dr Watson to hear what I have to say, please let him stay and listen. 如我的话对华生医生有用的话,那就请他留下来听吧!——这句话...

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shut the door after you的句子成分

Please shut the door after you when you leave.离开时,请随手关门。after you 是介词短语,作定语修饰the door,意为“你身后的门”,这是英语语言的逻辑,按我们汉语理解就是“随手关门”。单独after you,在某些语境中可以表示“您先请。” 意思实际是:I’ll go after you. 这里,after you 则是“方式状语”。

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就本句而言应选择until。until 和unless 的区别是(注意时态的区别):1. 用until 可以表示过去已经发生的情况:I didn't believe I could do it until I got to the top of Mount Tai.直到我到达泰山顶上,我才相信我能这么做。2. 用unless 表示一种未发生的假设:I won’t believe I can do it unless I get to the to...

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网友的这几个问题,我分别解答在每个问题的后面,避免混乱。如何区分辨析现在完成时和一般过去时?(1) The weather ______ awful this week. It didn't stop ______ until last night.A. has been; raining      B. was; raining答案是:A. 可我反复研究体会,查询资料,都搞不清为...

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现在完成进行时是现在完成时态与进行时态的结合,既有现在完成时的特点,也有进行时的特点。鉴于此,listening 的动作并未结束。即便说话时的那一刻,没有在listening,也不应视为结束。现在完成进行时和现在完成时的区别。    ① 现在完成进行时和现在完成时,均可表示“从过去开始一直持续到现在”的动作,但...

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In the same year, Global Times, a tabloid owned by the Party's main mouthpiece, People's Daily, began publishing its own English-language daily, offering somewhat racier fare than that of China Daily, while still avoiding criticism of the Party.【翻译】同年,党的主要喉舌《人民日报》旗下的时...

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