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Will you be wanting...(为什么要用将来进行时)

请曹老师再次看看这个解答:http://ask.yygrammar.com/q-33637.html请曹老师给出判断和结论,today 修饰谁?He reads his book or newspaper to learn what is new today. 此外,钟老师用这个图片中的标题为佐证,能说明什么问题呢?

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Some topics were off limits for the Premier主谓宾是什么

Some topics (主语)were (系动词)off limits (表语)for the Premier(状语).off limits 是“习语”。意为“禁止的;禁入的”。for the Premier“对总理来说”,可理解为针对性状语。Some topics were off limits for the Premier.【翻译】对总理而言,有些话题是不允许谈论的。

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The murderer(主语) turned out to be (系动词)no other person than the inspector himself.(表语)1. turned out 本身就是系动词。英语中,seem, appear, prove, turn out 等系动词后也可接不定式(尤其是 to be)短语作表语。在这些系动词之后,to be 可以省略。所以,不再拆开分析。He seems (to be) sad. 他似...

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关于穿戴,用介词in/with 作定语时,有否区别

道理很简单:衣服是“裹”在人身上的,人在衣服里面,自然用 in。句3,black 指 black clothes。所谓颜色,其实是指“这种颜色的衣服”。工具或配饰,如“眼镜,领带” 是小玩意儿,无法把人“裹”在里面。人只能携带,不能当衣服穿。所以用 with。学英语,理解比死记硬好得多!

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应为后者:on their adventures介词 on 有一个用法:表示所进行的活动,特别在度假、旅行、探险、远征等方面。意为“处于...情况中,从事…中”(We use on to introduce an activity that someone is doing, particularly travelling. )。又如:on a holidayon a tripon a touron a vacationon a hikeon a journeyon a...

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对于be worth doing sth.中 doing 使用要求的疑问

The chance  is right in front of us , but is it worth taking a risk?is it worth taking a risk? 这个句子完全正确。分析如下。网友记住这三条,相信你不再疑惑。1. worth 用作介词,后面接动名词,用主动形式表示被动意思,即:动名词的逻辑宾语就是句子的主语。例如:A risk is worth taking.These rules are wo...

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Snack lovers are panic buying. 1. 该句从结构上看,是一个“主系表”结构,panic 是形容词作表语。buying 是“现在分词” 作状语,是 panic 的具体体现。2. 还有一种分析就是,进行时态。等于说: Snack lovers are buying with panic.panic 是副词,作“方式状语”,表示 buying 的方式。意为:喜欢吃零食的人...

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1. The sales will reach the parity with globle this year. (单词拼写错误)2. worker are often underpaid this year, so those companies would hire younger and more female.两个句子都有错误。请提供来源出处。第二句应改为:Workers are often underpaid this year, so those companies would hire youn...

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一、with 复合结构,是包括 with 在内的整个词组。二、 with homework to do:不是 with 复合结构,而是普通的介词短语。详解如下:With lots of work to do, I can't go with you. With lots of work to be done, I can't go with you.划线部分,有两大区别:1. 前句,肯定是主语“我” 去做这些工作。后...

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end up用法

end up doing 不是“结束做某事”,而是“以现在分词表示的结果而告终”。end up + 现在分词:You could end up running this company if you play your cards right.你要是处理得当,到头来这个公司能归你掌管。If no one helps him he may end up being a beggar. 如果没有人帮助他,他最终可能会成为一个乞丐。

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