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so far用法问题

1. so far from 碰巧在一起,原本毫无关系:There's been no comment so far from police about the allegations. = So far, there's been no comment from police about the allegations. 到目前为止还没有来自警方的对那些指控的任何解释。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》2. so far from:字面意思“离.....

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原句用 as 正确,说明了 bread and butter 的身份,不可以改为 for。as 和 for 的区别,请仔细体会:At that time, many farmers could only afford bread and butter as their meal. (身份)At that time, many farmers could only afford bread and butter for their breakfast. (用途或目的)meal&nbsp...

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He is very like his mother. The company is badly in need of new blood.英语中,某些程度副词可以修饰介词短语,但这个介词短语往往具有动词意味。例如两个例句的介词短语:非常像;十分需要。又如:This tree is well above the other trees.  (远远高于)这棵树远远高于别的树。This idea is well worth conside...

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She tried to explain the situation, saying 'It's only me'.She walked towards him, he fled, slamming the door behind him.第2句,he fled 前面用逗号是个错误,缺少连词。不要只说一个分词,应该说整个分词短语做什么成分。saying 'It's only me':方式或伴随状语。slamming the door behind...

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What is it about us that can make it true that we hold rights against others even though those rights are contrary to all established conventions? What is it about us that can make it true that we hold rights against others even though it might please those others to violate our rights?&nb...

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▲“一般现在时表将来”,指按时间表、计划、规定将要发生的动作,但句中一般含有表示将来的时间状语。The plane takes off at 10: 30. There's plenty of time. 飞机10点30分起飞。还有充足的时间。Our trip starts from London tomorrow and finishes up in Birmingham the day after tomorrow. 我的旅行明天从伦敦开始...

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英语新闻标题,为了简练可以省略be 动词,包括进行时态的be 和被动语态的be。例如:1. Police Searching Woods for Lost Boy  (Were Searhing)2. Thief Caught Stealing in Big Store (Was Caught)有些虚词,如冠词,都可省略。 

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ask for sth to be done中的for为什么不能省略

省略for 完全可以,在语法上一点问题都没有!只是语义有变化。1. The government asked the hearing to be postponed. 【分析】asked是及物动词,the hearing 是asked 的直接宾语,to be postponed 是the hearing 的宾补。句子含义是:政府直接要求听证会延期举行。2. The government asked for the hearing to be postpone...

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Strangers from distant lands, friends of old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor.这是电影《指环王》的对白,原文friends of old 后应为句号。【翻译】来自远方的陌生人,老朋友们,你们召集到此是为了对付Mordor的威胁。Strangers from distant lands 和 friends of old,属称呼语。of old是...

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The body and the mind interrelate.She has closed her mind to last year's traumas. 这两个都是柯林斯词典的句子。原翻译为:“身体与头脑相互影响。”“她不再去想去年遭受的创伤。”首先澄清一个概念:你的例句中,body 和mind 并非是抽象名词...

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