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Work while you work, and play while you play. (并列句用and 连接)Work while you work; play while you play.(或者用分号)这是两个并列的祈使句。在每个分句中又包含一个while 时间从句。

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21 赞同


1. He will share his professional knowledge of haircare.【答】knowledge 和 haircare,是“动宾关系”。knowledge of haircare:对头发护理的知识(= 知道怎样护理头发)。of介词短语表示“动宾关系”讲解:被修饰的名词跟of 介词短语存在动宾关系。被of介词短语修饰的名词具有动词性质(一般是由动词变来的名词),该名词...

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2 赞同

连词as well as 作

as well as 是并列连词,连接两个并列的成分(必须是并列),原则上,应省略前文重复的成分。1. She negotiates the licences as well as ordering the equipment. (误)改为:She negotiates the licences as well as orders the equipment. 2. She negotiates the licences as well as she orders the equipment....

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7 赞同


focus 的表语之前,加on 或不加 on 都正确,只是意思不同。这是由focus 的词义决定的。focus 有两种不同的含义:1. 研究的主题、重点;2. 关注;注意力;就拿本句而言,加不加on 都对,意思有所不同:1. Her primary focus is still canines. (研究主题)她的主要研究课题仍然是犬科动物。2. Her primary focus is still o...

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worked 是过去分词。worked by a group workers 作定语修饰 a period of time。work 可以用作及物动词,与工人上班,农民种地有关系。这时,其意思是:1.  work the land:开垦/耕种土地2.  work the machine: 操作机器3.  work sb.  :让某人干活/工作4.  work shifts:轮班工作 5. &...

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particularly the insistence…的成分分析

Yamaguchi’s case has highlighted the poor treatment of young women and girls by Japan’s pop industry, particularly the insistence that they appear morally unimpeachable. 【翻译】山口事件凸显了年轻女艺人在日本流行音乐行业受到的恶劣待遇,尤其是苛求她们在道德上要表现出无懈可击。由于the insistence...

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用括号里的词(after/by the time)改写句子

两个句子的标准,不一样。第1句是改错呢,还是把两个分句,合成一个复合句?既然有了when,再加after 是啥意思?此外,原句还有是个失误:从句主语用了名词 Dave,主句主语用了代词he,属于主次颠倒错误,应交换位置。这个句子涉及排序问题,没有“唯一标准答案”。只要把两个动作的先后关系,别搞错了就行。以下表达都正确:...

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例句分析中的that以及there is a need

网友的理解完全正确。补充一点:不定式to halt and reverse these dreadful trends 是effort 的定语。

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where context matters的用法

是的,网友理解正确。categories 可以看作抽象地点或广义地点,所以,后面用where 引导关系分句,换成in which 也无妨。

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What's there is just the tip of the iceberg.

What's there (主语)is (系动词)just the tip of the iceberg. (表语)本句总体结构是“主系表”。What's there 是主语从句,其结构是there be 存在句。意为“现有的东西”。What's there is just the tip of the iceberg.【翻译】现有的东西(指:证据、数据、资料、事实等)只是冰山之一角。

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