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twice as likely to as those怎么理解

网友重新检查句子,lose focus, alertness and focus:两个 focus?People who stay up late every night are twice as likely to gradually lose focus, alertness and focus as those who get enough sleep. 删繁就简(看红色):People who stay up late every night are twice as likely to gradually lose alertn...

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​last but not least的语法结构

last but not least:这是一个由 but 连接的副词词组,作“评注性状语”。知道意思和如何使用即可,不要什么都分析。“评注性状语”——说的通俗一点,就是“评论性状语”或“注解性状语”。它表明说话人的一种态度、评论、评价、看法或结论。它是独立于句子之外的一个状语成分。就是说,它不是修饰句子中的某个词语,而是修饰整个句...

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Mabry works circles around all the students...的理解

work 的基本词汇意义是“工作”。在人们的意识中,它通常是不及物的。主语为“物”时,意味着 “起作用,有效果,行得通”,也是不及物。例如:The meducine worked.但是,在很多情况下,work 是个及物动词。例如,世界上占人口数量最多的两类人“劳动人民”,每天都在使用这个动词——农民耕种土地(work the land),工人操作机器(...

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根据网友的疑问,普及一下动词句型的有关知识:1. 跟“to do ”作宾补的动词:    advise 建议     allow 允许       ask 要求  cause 引起    command 命令       enable 使能够  encourage 鼓励...

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in 3 days表示在三天内时可以加or so吗

加or so 可以,但意思是“三天左右”。此外,in 3 days,也不一定是之内,也许是满三天后。例如:We will probably be giving you a call in ten days or so.十天左右之后,我们可能会给你打电话。

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It is quite reasonable to regard the sea floor as the basic form of the crust of the earth, with, superimposed upon it, the continents, together with the islands and other features of the oceans.网友的句子错误太多,我改了一些地方。不肯定是不是还有,网友务必核查原文。

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1. The man who came this morning  is our class teacher . = coming this morning .2. Can you tell me the accdient that happened yesterday ? = the happened accdient.3. Those who have finished their work can go home now.= Those finished their work. 4. Is there anyone who can answer t...

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They rowed for a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island.1.  for 表示“时间段” 和“距离段”,可以省略,没有区别。2.  across the Caribbean:划船横渡加勒比海 =  在加勒比海上划船,不是一个意思吗?3.  直到来到一个珊瑚岛为止 = 到了一座珊瑚岛。这些翻译一点...

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A plan has been put into motion to find and kill Stephen Bonnet.主动语态的结构:put (动)a plan (宾)into motion(状);into motion (抽象意义的地点状语)类比:put the egg into the box --- the egg is put into the box在被动结构中,into motion 作用不变,仍然是状语。 For most people, life as the...

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at one time 可以放在句子的什么位置

The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization.【翻译】这座城市肯定一度很繁荣,因为它曾拥有高度的文明。at one time 虽是介词词组,但它是副词用法,意为“曾经;一度”,跟 once 同义。其位置应该很灵活,句首,句中,句末均可。放在be 后也可以,见后面的例句。Alaska...

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