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Some tech pioneers promote a new compact with workers which holds that companies owe them neither loyalty nor job security.有些科技先锋企业提倡和员工达成一种新契约,认为公司既不需要提供归属感,也不需要提供工作保障。关系代词which 指代a new compact;也就是说,a new compact 为先行词。hold 表示“持有......

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rumor has it that固定表达

Rumour has it that... 这种结构,说它是一种“固定习语”,当然没有问题。不过,从语言研究的角度考虑,这多少有点逃避。我试着从语言结构和语用方面,分析如下:1. 这类结构的主语一般省略冠词,这是典型的口语现象——为了简练。2. have 是个多义词,其中有一个意思是:“说;宣称”。但是,这个词不像say那样可以跟that从句,...

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Some people think it is no use practicing one's handwriting.one 是一个表泛指的不定代词,one's 为属格形式。it is no use practicing one's handwriting —— 是think 的宾语从句。主句的主语Some people 跟one's 没有任何关系。“有些人认为”,也可以说“我认为;他认为;你们认为”等,后面的宾语从句表...

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网友似乎明白,又不明白。for his focus on helping the poor through collecting donations.请教老师for后面的结构是动名词复合结构吗?—— 如果是动名词复合结构,helping 的逻辑主语则是:his focus on,这不乱了套吗?按照admire sb for sth的结构, 那么focus 是名词,介词短语on helping the poor是名词短语his focus的...

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On her journey home, she fell asleep on the bus and missed her stop. That was when she decided to talk to her boss.本句,可以用It 代替That。分析:That was when she decided to talk to her boss.这个句子,when 是“融合性关系副词”,等于the time when,引导表语从句。意思是:“就在那时,她决定和她老板说明此...

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come to 可以用 come in/into 代替吗

to 表示“来到;到达”(某地点或方位),into 表示“进入”(有空间或体积的事物)。例如:get to the house:到达房子的位置。get into the house:进入房内。come to one's mind,是个习语。mind 表达抽象意义(人的意识),不表示空间或体积概念,没有内外界限,所以用to 就完全可以了。但实际语言中,人们使用into 的...

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I told him go make up his own shirt.(省略了两个to吗)

I told him go make up his own shirt. (有误)tell 正确的句式是:tell sb. to do... 所以应改为:I told him to go make up his own shirt.go make up his own shirt.(正确)在口语中,如果come,go 是原形动词,后面接不定式可以省略to。 例如:Come have a drink togehter. 一块来喝两杯。I'll go have a lo...

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表语分析I'm sure knowing that ……

I'm sure knowing that he had the support of his mother and the chance to give it up if it got too much for him gave him the strength he needed to go on.这个句子没错。结构分析:I'm sure 后面是省略了that 的宾语从句。I'm sure that knowing...在宾语从句中:knowing that he had the support of h...

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句子理解问题(is what it always is with women.)

She has her faults, and the greatest of them is what it always is with women.【翻译】她有自己的缺点,其中最大的缺点就是女人身上固有的缺点。what it always is with women,是is 的表语从句。what 是融合性关系代词,无疑问概念。同时作了第二个is的表语。with women 在女人身上/针对女人而言。always:总是。译为“...

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被 well 修饰的过去分词,一般变成了形容词。例如:well-fed (feed 是动词原形,意为“给...饭吃;喂食”。加上well 表示“吃得好”。既然是形容词,就可以构成“系表结构”,你的例子承前省略了 be。即:be well taken care of and (be) well-fed.这样的例子很多,学会举一反三:well-known 著名的well-educated 受过良好教育...

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