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16 赞同

the moment引导时间状语从句时前面可以加介词吗

▲ 我跟Expert 的看法略有不同,前3句中的the moment 已经完全蜕变成了一个时间连词,还有the the minute/the instant + 从句,以及副词 immediately/directly/ instantly + 从句。这些词实际上已经充当了连词的作用,等于as soon as 的意思,表示主句的动作紧接着这些从句的动作发生。▲ 后3句也是正确的,至少不能算错...

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伴随状语用 followed by 与 being followed by 的疑问

She walked out of the conference hall ________________ (身后跟了一大群外国记者).【答】下面两个答案都对:1. She walked out of the conference hall, being followed by a crowd of foreign reporters.2. She walked out of the conference hall, followed by a crowd of foreign reporters.【说明】表示伴随概念时,...

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His first experiment, nearly 30 years ago, involved memory: training a person to hear and then repeat a random series of numbers.我的问题是:(1) 这个句子中的动词train为什么要写成现在分词的形式?【答】training a person to hear and then repeat a random series of numbers,是现在分词短语,作伴随状语。因...

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more than 的意义与用法

According to the NRF, the average American consumer will spend about $ 805 dollars on gifts. That's more than $ 630 billion between November and December, an increase of 3.7 percent from last year.【翻译】根据全美零售商联合会(NRF)的数据,平均每个美国消费者将花费大约805美元购买礼品。从11月到12...

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The task was insignificant, not worthy of proper respect.从句子的表意上看,形容词短语not worthy of proper respect 看作“结果状语”为好,说明“前因后果”,它是was insignificant的结果(即:不值得给予关注)。如果并列的话,缺少了连词and,而且并列起来,就分不出“主和次”了。

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9 赞同

as far as的不同用法问题

1. As we watched, the fog, which had crept as far as the house, began to flow round it.2. As far as I can see, you've done nothing wrong.【答】句1,as far as the house 这个短语,实际仍然表示“比较意义”,说明:“远的程度跟那所房子一样”,the house 指一个具体的位置。 还有一种分析,就是把as far as 视...

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2 赞同

主将从现 VS 主将从现完

在状语从句中(尤其时间状语从句或条件状语从句),用一般现在时代替现在完成时,意思差别不大。译文基本一致,翻译时不要特意为之。又如:I'll report back the moment I have located him. 我一找到他就马上汇报。来自柯林斯例句 现在完成时用在“时间状语从句”或者“条件状语从句”中,表示将来业已完成的动作或状...

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10 赞同

spend as much time as he could后接动词用什么形式

我觉得,这个题目仍然使用teaching,不用to teach。因为句子的意思已经表明:“教孩子学习”这个事情已经做了,不强调“目的性”,从时态可以判断。这是我以前的一个解答,对spend time 结构总结归纳了各种用法。供参考:The boy spent 48 hours shut up in his bedroom.【翻译】这个男孩被关在卧室里,度过了48小时。这个句子...

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7 赞同

There be 句型中的be动词

网友能否把There be 的各种时态写出来吗?若把这些看懂了,就OK了:There is...There are...There was...There were...There will be...There is going to be...There are going to be...There would be...There was going to be...There were going to be...(红色部分为“助动词”,构成将来时。后面的be 仍然是There be 中...

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go on doing,insist on doing,keep on doing的句子成分问题

网友的问题是:以下词组中,doing 做什么成分,宾语还是状语?go on doinginsist on doingkeen on doingkeep on doing我认为,这个问题涉及on 是介词还是副词的问题。如果on 是介词,那么,doing 都是宾语(介宾);如果不是介词而是副词,那么,doing 就是状语。如果这四个动词是及物动词用法,那么on 就是副词,而且可以...

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