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would have done 可以表示过去将来完成时吗?

"I didn't think you would have taken advantage of it, Sir Henry -- indeed I didn't."would have done,除了表示与过去不符的虚拟语气外,还可以表示对过情况的推测,说明已经做了某事。如果是 I think,从句则使用 will have done,也是对过去的肯定推测。【翻译】“我没有想到你竟然会利用了这个机...

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He helped popularize the idea that some diseases not previously thought to have a bacterial cause were actually infections, which aroused much controversy when it was first suggested.过去分词短语作定语,不是很常见的吗?只不过是否定而已。not thought to have..(之前未曾被认为有...)又如:Similar pheno...

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类似be headed,be heading的用法(主动式与被动式同义)

名词head 是“头”,它是人的“首脑”,其位置始终在前头,变成动词意思引申为“前进,前往,前行,走向,驶往,朝(某方向)行进”。这时,head 一般用作不及物动词,后面跟表示方向和目的地的介词for 搭配,表示“前往的地方”。The ship came about and headed for the shore.  轮船调转般向朝海岸驶去。We set sail at daw...

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There are the electives presently available for freshmen.你提问的这个句子,可能涉及两个方面的问题:1. 形容词available 作定语为何后置?2. 副词presently 的位置问题。▲第一个问题:形容词available 作定语之所以后置,主要原因是后面还有一个 for freshmen,形容词短语作定语是必须后置的。此外,av...

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一般说来,“同位关系”也是“主表关系”。如果that 从句能作the result 的表语,那么that 从句就可以充当the result 的同位语。1. 以下是表语从句:The result is that they are now all feeling very sore at you.  结果就是,现在他们都对你感到十分恼火。来自柯林斯例句The result is that if she marries she marries...

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你的疑问是对的。此处 bears 应改为 bear,因为其主语是复数的 issues;such as 只是用来列举事例作定语。例如,下面的句子中,issues 作主语,谓语动词都用复数。Issues such as these were not really his concern.  他其实并不关心诸如此类的问题。 柯林斯例句 There remain a number of issues such as allergenic...

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What exactly is it that you do anyway? 1. 这个是强调句吗?——是的!这句话的意思:你到底是干什么的?非强调句:What exactly do you do anyway? 2. 换种方法,可不可以这样看:it作形式主语代替that you do, 不再是强调句,成了主语从句。——不可以。主语从句that you do 缺少宾语。因为按你的方法,what已变成了is的表...

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Close beside the path they were following a bird suddenly chirped from the branch of a tree.【翻译】靠近他们行走的小路边上,一只鸟突然从树枝上叫了一声。【分析】Close beside the path (地点状语)they were following(定语从句,修饰path) a bird (主语)suddenly chirped from the branch of a tree(谓语...

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英语里the amount/bottle of的用法

The amount of water is 3l.That bottle of water is 1l.这两个句子都正确。从逻辑上讲,amount和bottle的关系,就是内涵与外延的关系。“内涵”是指事物的概念或定义,“外延”是指反映内涵属性的那些具体的事物。我们常说,“量很大”,到底有多大?我们可以用具体的容器去测量,例如:一瓶子,两桶,三缸等。这里的“量”即是amo...

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With a rifle over his shoulder, he was marching up and down in front of the camp when four officers drove up in a car.划线部分叫作“with 复合结构”,它是独立主格结构的一种,作方式状语。说明谓语动词was marching 的方式。【翻译】他肩上扛着枪,在营地前来回行走着,这时四个军官开车过来了。

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