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percent of后面的名词前到底用不用定冠词

30 percent of money30 percent of the money30 percent of people30 percent of the peoplepercent of后面的名词前到底用不用定冠词?【答】是的,既然都是对的,那么,这两种表达就一定有区别。1. 结构上的区别:在30 percent of money 中,money 是中心词,30 percent of 用作限定语,与much money 相似。30 percent of t...

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Bus 168 与 Bus No. 168 哪个更对

表示“名称编号”,一般采用三种表达方式。1. 名称 + 基数词: Lesson 5, Lesson Five2. 名称 + No. + 基数词:Bus No. 5,Bus Number 5,Bus Number Five3. 序数词 + 名称:the Fifth Lesson, the 5th Lesson【说明】一、第1种和第2种说法,名词前不用冠词;第2种表达最常见;第3种说法,由于序数表达比较繁琐,若超过第10...

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His work including climbing the tenth-floor building and delivering milk to people.【答】这个句子不对,缺少谓语动词。把现在分词including 改为includes 或included:His work includes/included climbing the tenth-floor building and delivering milk to people.可以用 climbing the ten-floor building 来...

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同意蒋老师、同意龙老师的观点。on 表示:“(是)…的成员;在…供职”,主要是美国英语。例如:He is on the city team.他是市队的队员。

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have been的用法疑问

...players are more likely to have been born in the earlier months of the year than in the later months.【答】这是be likely to do sth. 句型:“可能做某事”。如果不定式的动作,早于现在的are,就要使用完成体。即:be likey to have done sth.不定式是非谓语,要么使用to be born,要么使用to have been born,但...

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make sure的翻译

I discovered a brilliant way to make sure the spaghetti is cooked.【翻译】我发现了一个绝妙的方法,以确保意大利面条煮熟。(一)make sure 的结构和意义分析:make 是“使令性”动词,意思是“使、让”;sure 是形容词,意为“可靠的;稳当的;稳妥的;有把握的,万无一失的”。其实,make 是有宾语的,sure 是宾补。它的宾...

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句子很简单,不要考虑复杂。为了更好理解句子结构,我们利用 “奥卡姆剃刀原理” 删繁就简,把不必要的繁枝末节剔除:They can explain that it's too expensive except perhaps as a birthday or holiday gift.【翻译】他们可能解释说:这东西太贵了,也许作为生日礼物或节日礼物时除外。(注意:英汉颜色对应)1. 介词e...

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live on a farm:如果没有上下文,单独这个词组,表示“住在农场”,一点问题也没有。但是,结合本句想表达的意思,即说话者一生中“一直想做的两件事”,我认为应该翻译成:“写作和务农”。“住在农场”,不愿住其他地方?——没有太大的现实意义。其实,live on 有一个比喻意思,就是“以......为生;通过......谋生”。所以,本句翻...

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课文原话:By the time you read this, the Hubble's eagle eye will have sent us thousands and thousands of wonderful pictures.题目:________you read this, thousands of pictures will have been sent to us.A. The moment  B. Before  C. When正确答案是:B      为什么不能用A...

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这3个句子,and 后面的部分处理的得不合适,这里主要指尺寸大小,不宜用big。结构应为:1. be (of) the size of ...2. be (of) the same size as...以下例句and 后面省略了are:The terracotta warriors are vivid and (of) the same size as real people.The terracotta warriors are vivid and (of) the size of real peo...

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