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Some 1200 fewer people were admitted to hospital with heart attacks than even the prevailing downward trend had suggested was likely.句子漏掉了 the,限定可数名词 trend。some 修饰数字,等于about。该句有几个问题需要讨论:1. than 是  was likely 的主语,意味着它是单数。其对应项不能是 people。再说,...

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He is what is known as a “bellyacher”——he is always complaining about something.不可以用who替换what。这里,what 是“融合性关系代词”,它可以表示“人”,也可以表示“物”。它的作用身兼两职,既是关系代词,又兼有先行词。what 等于:the person who...the thing that...本句的主语是He,表语肯定是“人”,所以,what is...

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cap a 24-hour period

Speaking from a White House that already has a huge credibility problem with the public, Meadows' statement capped a 24-hour period that served as a master class in opacity and contradiction that raised major questions about the President's health--and renewed questions about this administra...

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A beautiful girl about my age, she bought the ticket for me when hearing that I had lost my wallet.▲ 本句中的A beautiful girl about my age,说它是she 的同位语,未免过于草率和简单。正如网友所言,它不符合同位语的基本概念。那么,A beautiful girl about my age 在语义和语法上,它跟后面的句子是何种关系呢?...

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as well as后的动词用什么形式

We expect her to do the housework as well as _____ the children.A. look after   B. looking after【答】该题选择A或者B,语法都正确。但是,B项在意义上不通。1. We expect her to do the housework as well as look after the children.(1) 我们希望她既照料孩子又做家务。(2) 我们希望她做家务跟照看孩子...

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She is all in favor of my suggestion.(all是什么词作什么成分

She is all in favor of my suggestion.all在句子中作副词,做状语吗?请问老师,一般分析句子成分用什么方法……在阅读,听力当中,快速分析非主干部分?all修饰 in favor of my suggestion吗?【答】是的。all是副词,意为“完全,彻底”,作状语。She hated him all the more. all在句子中的成分,词性?难道all the mo...

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get time and a half/double time是什么意思

我开始把time and a half 理解错了。只考虑了double time,它是指“(节假日加班的)双薪”,不是“双倍的时间”。“双倍的时间”是 double the time。谢谢唐老师及时补充。请采纳唐老师的解答!

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accurately 在句子中一般用作什么状语?总是胜任方式状语吗?比如:The test can accurately predict what a bigger explosion would do. 该试验能准确地预测一次更大爆炸的威力。【答】副词在句中作状语,是十分常见的现象。至于是什么状语,应首先判断这个副词属于“何种副词”。 accurately 用来说明谓语动词发生的准确率...

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for years与over the years前冠词的有无问题

for years 表示一个非特定的时间段,意为“多年来”。例如:He taught in this school for ten years. 他在这所学校教了10年书。(这10年不知范围)over the years 表示一个特定的时间段,意为“经过了这些年”。例如:He taught in this school for ten years; his strength diminished over the years. 他在这所学校教了...

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按语法规则,介词短语是不可以充当宾语的。但有时,介词短语作及物动词的宾语或介词的宾语,实质是在第二个介词前省略了某种成分的缘故。省略会让人觉得,句子表达言简意赅,添上省略的成分,反而让人感觉累赘。例如:from under the bed = from somewhere under the bedexcept after lunch = except the time after luncht...

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