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句子里面没有定语从句。Groszko found a freezer (主动宾)on the street(found 的地点状语) with a sign on it(freezer 的定语) saying that it worked(sign 的定语).Groszko found a freezer on the street with a sign on it saying that it worked.【翻译】格罗兹科在街上发现了一台冰箱,上面有一个牌子写着它...

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托业考试听力问题:Various pitchers are being displayed on..

有讲解说是 are being displayed 含义为“正在被展示“,所以错了。——这个理由显然不成立。句子 A 没有语法错误,are being displayed 也没有问题。错误在于 pitchers 与架子上的东西不符。A pitcher is a cylindrical container with a handle and is used for holding and pouring liquids. 壶 [...

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选 as it is,网友的题干句子有问题,as it is 前后要用逗号隔开,最后一个分句应该是并列句,用so 引导。改正如下:If you give children complete freedom, they will know, as it is, what's best for them, so you don't need any rules, or anything.as it is 看作“习语”即可,意思相当于 in fact(实际...

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当有人问你Are you Alone? 回答是副词:definitely? 还是形容词:definite? —— 网友一定要注意单词的大小写!给你改正过来:当有人问你Are you alone? 回答是副词:Definitely? 还是形容词:Definite? 答语往往是简略的,省略了与问句重复的成分。alone 是形容词,需要一个副词修饰,d...

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可以。1. 修饰复数时,another 是限定词,表示“再,又,另外” 的几个。如:Give me another five apples. 再给我5个苹果。(之前已经给了5个)2. 单独使用时,another 是代词,指代同一类事物中(3个以上)的任何一个。如:This book is not interesting. Show me another.

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It's not like this hasn't happened before 语法分析

like 可以用作连词,等于 as 或 as if。在本句引导表语从句。It's not like this hasn't happened before. =It's not as if this hasn't happened before.(表语从句)此事好像以前并非没有发生过。(双重否定)

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shade-grown coffee 是什么意思

shade-grown coffee:遮阴咖啡。顾名思义,就是在“树林遮阴下种植的咖啡”。与之相对的就是 sun-grown coffee(全日照咖啡)。相比而言,前者有机环保,产量低;后者使用化肥和农药,产量高。

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His colleagues gave him a very warm welcome when he returned to work.1. 能改成一般现在时吗,改成His colleagues give him a very warm welcome when he return to work.2. 为什么welcome前面要加a,是可数名词吗?3. gave这里是什么意思,是给吗?网友问了一些很基础的问题。分别解答如...

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句子分析:I called the office to tell them I'd be late.

I called the office to tell them I'd be late. to tell them I'd be late 是目的状语。不定式的逻辑主语是句子主语 I,不是 the office,排除作宾补。这里 them 指“办公室人员”。I called the office (主动宾)to tell them I'd be late. (目的状语)tell 接双宾语,I'd be late (从句)为直接宾...

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People kept wishing him luck for the next morning in cheery, confident voices like Hagrid's, all of them apparently convinced that he was about to pull off another stunning performance like the one he had managed in the first task.1. 划线部分是独立主格结构,作原因状语。构成:...

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