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Two weeks ago, voters in Taiwan, the island democracy that Mr. Xi has made clear should join a greater China, resoundingly re-elected a president despised by Beijing.1. 本句语序正常。不可改动。主要结构:voters should join a greater China.2. the island democracy 是 Taiwan 的同位语。3. that Mr. Xi has...

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一个从句,多个主句,这样的句子正确吗。you feel right, you fe...

When you're holding it, you feel right, you feel complete.这是运用修辞格:排比句(重复使用“主系表”)。以加强语势!正常表达是:When you're holding it, you feel right and complete.

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Although its accuracy left much to be desired, its simplicity led to wide application in naval architecture.leave much to be done:留下很多东西有待于被做。Although its accuracy left much to be desired:虽然它的精确度还有很多不足之处,(引申译法)

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我认为,你提供的句子在逻辑上讲不通:“尽管他老了,他不能干如此沉重的活。”应改为:1. As he is old, he can’t do such heavy work. 因为他老了,所以他不能干如此沉重的活。2. Old as he is, he can do such heavy work. 尽管他老了,他也能干如此沉重的活。【注意】as 和though 引导让步从句的区别:as引导的从句既可以...

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1. He comes to school very upset. 句中的 very upset 做状语,这个可以理解。2. He keeps the house clean.这个clean 是宾补吧?——是宾补。这个不用解释了。3. The captain landed us safe. 这个 safe 是状语还是宾补?——是状语。形容词safe修饰谓语动词landed,说明“着陆”(运送上岸)的方式或结果。与宾语us...

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求 less of a...的类似结构

 这种所有格结构,其实就是一种整体和部分的关系,much, more, less, nothing, somewhat 等词语代表了of 后面那个名词的一部分。如果后面的名词是百分之百的话,那么就不需要这些词语了。在某种意义上说,这些词语表示出后面名词有多大的“程度”。1. “much of a +名词”: much of  意为“很;十分;在很大程度上”Sh...

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handout photo中handout是什么意思

handout photo  资料照片;新闻照片。从handout 的构成来看,动词短语hand out 意为“分发,散发”,变成名词指“分发物”,“宣传品”,“宣传材料”等含义,所以handout photo 一般译为“资料照片;新闻照片”。 

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如何理解词典对acceptation释义中的as having

a word or expression is generally accepted as having 是定语从句,修饰the meaning。为了理解方便,现在变成一个完整句子:A word or expression is generally accepted as having the meaning. having 是动名词,表示“有”的意思。意思是:“某个单词或短语一般被认为有此义。”

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without no seams nor work是何种语法关系

1. 在非正式英语中,without no words等于说:without any words或者with no words。所以,without no seams nor needle work, 意思就是“没有缝口,也不用针线”。needle work意为“针线活”。2. without 是介词, no seams 和nor needle work是并列关系。否定的并列通常以n-单词开头,例如:neither...nor; not...nor...; no....

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Probably there is no one here who has not in the course of the day had occasion to set in motion a complex train of reasoning, of the very same kind, though differing in degree, as that which a scientific man goes through in tracing the causes of natural phenomena.【翻译】可能不会有人,在一整天当中...

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