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我知道昨天她将会来。I knew she will come.这句汉语本身就逻辑不通,英语不会正确。“昨天” 是修饰“知道” 还是 “来”?改为:我昨天知道她将会来。I knew yesterday that she would come.此外,注意主从句的时态一致和呼应。

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do you no good 的用法与翻译

It's sometimes easy to think they got lucky or they were born with some rare talent, but thinking that way does you no good, and there's a huge chance that you're wrong anyway. thinking that way 是 but 并列句中第二分句的主语。这是 do 接双宾语的用法之一:do someone gooddo someon...

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The United States (主语:美国)led(谓语动词:主导/领导) the creation of international agreements on air transportation(宾语:国际航空运输协议的制定/建立), enabling the creation of a global air industry. (结果状语:使......能够怎样)【翻译】美国主导了国际航空运输协议的制定,使全球航空业得以建立...

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The rate of taxation or interest is the amount of tax or interest that needs to be paid. It is expressed as a percentage of the amount that is earned, gained as profit, or borrowed.我先把英语翻译出来:【翻译】税率或利率是需要支付的税额或利息。它表示为收入、利润或借款金额的百分比。看不同颜色的单词相...

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rather than的相关问题

rather than 是“准并列连词”。当然是连接与前面平行对等的成分:原形动词。Sit down rather than stand there.与前面平行对等:She was smiling rather than laughing. He was rewarded rather than punished. 

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两个动词都缺宾语,加上:Do not immerse it in water and do not use it to vacuum water. 【翻译】不要把它浸入水中,也不要用它来抽空水分。

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关于would 的用法的疑惑

Strict discipline is sometimes important, but it would have an adverse impact on children’s problem-solving abilities. 这里,would 表示对现在的推测,意为 “可能;会;想必”。它比 will 表示的推测,程度低一些。这样,说话人留有余地,显得婉转。(只是作者的一种看法,不一定真的有负面影响)【翻译】严格...

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分析:Here however rises the problem of costs.

Here however rises the problem of costs.however 是表示“转折” 的连接副词,把它独立出来,或放在句首。1. Here, however, rises the problem of costs.2. However, here rises the problem of costs.现在结构已经很清晰:Here 引导的倒装句:Here + 不及物动词 + 名词。【翻译】然而,这里又出现了成本问题。

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A man's credit was destroyed so he was the victim of identity theft or a predatory lending scam.两个分句之间是“因果关系”,符合逻辑。把 so 改为 but,随便改动句子成为转折关系?逻辑允许吗?“因为他病了,所以没来上学。”“虽然他病了,但是他没来上学。”——这是什么逻辑?并列连词之前加逗号,主要是为了停顿。...

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start sb on的分析与理解

I started her on anti-seizure medication.【翻译】我开始给她服用抗癫痫药物。start sb. on + 某种药物:习语。意思是“医生开始在病人身上用药”。又如:That didn't work, so the next day she saw a doctor, who started her on an antibiotic and a painkiller. 这并没有起作用,第二天她看了医生,医生给她开了抗...

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