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as if从句分析

He turns away, as if finally realising that the faceless, flickering icons on his computer screen will not give him what he longs for.补充完整后:He turns away, as if he is/were finally realising that the faceless, flickering icons on his computer screen will not give him what he longs for.用is 是陈...

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“具体的动作”和“一次性动作”,可以叠加起来,共同描述某一个动作,但这俩概念不相等。应该这样理解:“具体动作”与“抽象动作”,相对。“一次性动作”与“习惯动作”,相对。举例说明:Tom put the book on the desk. (put 就是发生在过去的“具体的动作”和“一次性动作”,用一般过去时。)Tom gets up at six every day. (get up...

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however 仍然是表示“转折”的连接副词,应加逗号停顿。其他都好理解了。However,  the figure is likely to be many thousand.然而,这个数字可能是数千。

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状语从句简化为分词短语(when receiving the money)

receive 是个终止性动词,let 也是终止性动词。两个终止性动词无法同时发生。无论哪个动词,在when 从句的动词动作先发生,不存在两个动作同时进行的问题。when 从句和when doing,皆是如此。又如:She gave me a ring when receiving my letter. (含when 的分词短语,发生在先)她收到我的信就给我回了个电话。When I ope...

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there is surprising...句型

There is surprising lack of understanding of what science is.surprising 是形容词作定语,修饰名词lack,说明 “缺乏” 到了令人惊讶的程度。我换换说法,比较一下:There is no lack of understanding of what science is. (不缺乏...)There is surprising lack of understanding of what science is. (令人惊讶的缺...

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在回答网友问题之前,先把句子结构搞清楚:The expected financial return (主语)to starting a degree for the weakest students (定语)dwindles (谓语动词)to almost nothing(结果状语). 1. return (回报)是主语。前面The expected financial 是定语,后面to to starting a degree for the weakest s...

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语法书上说,有些动词例如give, bring, buy, hand, send, pass, offer, ask, owe, teach, show, pay等,要求2个宾语(两个直接宾语或一个直接宾语加上一个间接宾语)。——这个描述,很成问题。错误太明显。因为:1. 这些动词可以接双宾语。也可以接单宾语。例如:give me an example (双宾)give an example (单宾)give a...

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how that the quality of human life on the quality.

从句意看,how 和 that,只能保留其中之一。how 描述方式;that 陈述事实。I already have declared as emphatically as I know, that the quality of human life in our society depends on the quality of the schooling we give our young people.【翻译】我已经尽我所知强调指出,我们社会中人的生活质量取决于我们向年...

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this that those these以及物主代词算特指么?—— 用在名词前,都是特指。前4个就不用说了,指示代词比 the 特指的程度更大。我举一个物主代词表特指的例子:your friend,“你的朋友”—— 其实是特指“你的那个朋友;你的这个朋友”。不是“你的一个朋友”。(不少网友误认为是“你的一个朋友”)“你的一个朋友” 的英语是:a friend...

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我把句子翻译出来,网友对号入座即可:She was s gifted writer. Her next two books were also about the oceans and both topped the book sales lists.她是个有天赋的作家。她接下来的两本书也是关于海洋的,(两本书)都在图书销售排行榜上名列前茅。both (主语) topped (谓语动词)the book sales lists(宾语).th...

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