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We therefore prepare the rooms under the oval rooms of the ground floor of the rotunda for furnaces, stoves etc.【翻译】因此,在圆形建筑一楼的椭圆房间下面,我们安排了一些房间安装火炉、热炉等取暖。【分析】主要结构:prepare the rooms... for furnaces, stoves,意为“安排房间为安装火炉取暖做准备”。其中,un...

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defeat 用作名词,既可以理解“失败”,也可以理解为“战胜”。问题的关键是,要看后面跟的介词是by 还是of:a defeat by sb. 被别人打败(by 表示被动关系,即“败给别人”)a defeat of sb. 战胜了别人(of 表示动宾关系,即“胜了别人”)又如:a book by him 由他写的书(被动关系)an understanding of music 理解音乐(动宾关...

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If you were half the king Mufasa was的分析与理解

先讲一点语法知识:“前置限定词”“前置限定词”,也叫“先行限定词”或者“前位限定词”(predeterminer)。顾名思义,pre-表示“在先,在前”,determiner是“修饰语,限定语”。 英语给的定义是:In grammar, a predeterminer is a word that is used before a determiner, but is still part of the noun group. For example, all in...

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我认为,本句的介词for之后漏掉了those,这样,who suffered the disease 是定语从句。for 之后可以跟who 引导的名词性从句,但是,这个名词性从句带有疑问性质,与本句意义不符,本句没有疑问之意。例如:We'll flip for who buys the tickets.  我们要扔硬币来决定谁买票。We drew straws for who went first.&n...

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11 赞同

smell of的含义

How does the perfume (   )?It (  ) jasmine.A smell;smells likeB smell like;smells likeC smell;smells of答案是C,请问老师AB错在哪里呢?smell of在此句中怎么翻译呢?谢谢您。【答】先说答案:此题选择C和A都正确。1. 第一句,应为smell,不能是smell like。因为介词like 是需要宾语的,how 一词无法...

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travel 是不是可数名词

“have a travel to + 某地”:是一个不规范的表达,或者说不正确的表达。由于travel是不可数名词,所以,a travel 的说法不存在,have a travel to 也不存在。我们可以说much travel。例如:At 84, John feels his age precludes too much travel. 84岁的约翰感到自己年事已高,不能进行太多的旅行。However, too much...

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only 修饰介词短语:Only after a bitter struggle was the aim achieved.  这个目的只有经过艰苦的斗争才能达到。mainly 修饰介词短语:The rise in price is mainly due to economic factors. 价格的增长主要是经济因素造成的。just 修饰从句:Just when she had reached the most important point we were cut off....

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There be句型的变体

你的句子漏掉了一个or,应为:There is no telling whether he will come or not.关于“There be + no + 动名词” “there be + no doing”的基本含义是“不可能做某事”,是说话者对未来某事件是否发生的一种判断,而且这种判断是否定的,有时,则表示“不许可”之意。此外,doing是动名词,名词和动词兼而有之,它有动词的意...

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句中any more than的含义和作用

Humans benefit cannot be used to justify using animals in research any more than it can be used to justify experimenting on other humans.【答】你给的句子有错误,不完整。原句应为:Those who are against it point out that the fact that humans benefit cannot be used to justify using animals in reserch a...

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你提供的句子不完整,原句是:If it will be useful for Dr Watson to hear what I have to say, please let him stay and listen. 如我的话对华生医生有用的话,那就请他留下来听吧!▲ 第一个问题:will 在条件句中不表示将来,这一点是肯定的。在本句,will 表示“可能性”推测(意为:或许,也许,可能),是一种婉转...

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