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look at(寻找)与look for的区别

look at 的本义是人“看”,在句中,要结合不同的主语,可以引申为“考虑;研究”。本句的主语是 the meeting,不是sb. ,且 wants 也不是“想”,而是“旨在;目的是”。The meeting really wants to look at what could be effective treatments for people  who have the virus.【翻译】这次会议的真正目的是,研究如何对感...

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train sb to do sth 为什么说不定式是宾补而不是目的

train sb to win the game划线部分看作宾补,是合理正确的分析。以下两点足以说明:1.  train (训练)对宾语有施加意义,能使宾语产生结果。2.  to win 这个动作的逻辑主语,是宾语而不是句子主语。所以,排除目的状语。

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Because the animals do not get the exercise needed to keep them in breeding condition. 一个只有原因从句、缺少主句的不完整句子,被网友理解并翻译为一个完整的 “因果关系” 复合句, 而且还用了句号。【翻译】因为这些动物得不到保持繁殖状态所需的锻炼,.....(没了下文)the exercise needed to keep them in...

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that time是状语还是定语

that time (那次),this time (这次),都是常用的时间状语(其构成是网友所说的“限定词加名词”),当然作状语成分。

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Whoever it is中的it is是强调句吗?

Whoever it is won't just cave.这不是强调句。而是一个由名词性从句充当主语的复合句。结构如下:Whoever it is (主语)won't just cave.(谓语)it 指 he 和 she,当无法确定人的性别时,一般用 it 担任。Whoever it is won't just cave. 等于:Whoever he or she is won't just cave.

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1. We have to finish, however long it takes. 无论要花多长时间,我们都得完成。2. However you look at it, it was a wicked thing to do. 不管你怎么看待这件事情,它都是一件缺德的事。从整体观念看待问题,《朗文词典》有失偏颇。同样都是让步从句,它把 however 分为两种词性。估计是从 however 的语法作用和语义不...

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1. It really doesn't matter that what we pay for an investment. (误)由间接疑问句充当的名词性从句,既然有 wh-word 引导,就不能再用 that 引导。改为: It really doesn't matter what we pay for an investment.  It really doesn't matter how much we pay for an investment.&n...

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Just look at the rain pouring down! (正。现在分词作宾补)Just look at the rain who is pouring down. (错。不要随便改动句子)Seven times have I despised my soul. (倒装句,times 次数开头引出倒装)Seventy times have I told you not to be late. 我不知跟你说过多少次不要迟到。Many times have I heard this...

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He kept close to me.是不是close to me整个都是表语?不太会分...

close to 是个“复合介词”,不要拆开。构成:副词小品词 + 介词。就本句而言,kept 为 系动词,close to me 作表语。如果拆开分析也可,把 close 看作形容词。to me 看作地点状语。He (主)kept (系)close (表)to me(状).英语中还有一些复合介词,例如:out of, ahead of, instead of,away from,north...

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关于as manifested in language 的结构,网友可参考这个解答:http://ask.yygrammar.com/q-31484.html

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