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such…as it was句式中as从句是什么从句

as it is 原本是个方式状语,现在成为一个英语习语,其过去时是as it was,其完成时是as it has (had) been。基本意思是“按照现在的样子;像目前的现状;根据现在情况看,照目前的情况看来”。as it was和as it had been,在时间上指过去,意为“按照当时的样子;像那时的现状;根据当时情况看,照那个时候的情况看来”。稍加...

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I've been married long enough for the both of us.为

I've been married long enough for the both of us..【翻译】对于我们俩来说,我结婚时间够长的了。这句话没有什么不好理解的。关于marry为何用被动语态,已经是老生常谈了。记住一个规则:只要是及物动词,都有使用被动语态的可能。此外,一个及物动词的过去分词,有可能演变成表状态的形容词,married 就是形容词用...

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And what wonderful adventures we shall have now that we’re all in it together?【翻译】既然我们都在一起了,那么我们将来会有什么样的美妙奇遇呢?【分析】now that 是从属连词,表原因,意为“由于;既然”。有时,只用now,省去that 也可。be all in it together:聚在一起;在同一条船上。有个不太好听的比喻就是:“...

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分析:What's wrong with the fashionable shoes?

这里的with 表示“对于,涉及”之意。What is wrong? (出了什么差错?)What is wrong with you? (对你来说,出了什么差错?)What is wrong with the machine?(对机器而言,出了什么差错?)What's wrong with the fashionable shoes?(这双时髦的鞋子怎么了?)要学会善于思考问题,理解问题,找出思路和规律。分析w...

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Every time that we write or speak, we are faced with a myriad of choices: not only choices in what we say but in how we say it.我也觉得这个句子表达不恰当,远不如网友改写后的句子好,所以,我赞同网友的观点。我们看,冒号前面的choices,跟冒号后的choices 是何种关系?被重复的同一个词语,它们之间是“同位关...

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Following up with hiring managers is tricky to navigate because it's not always easy to gauge your standing; and a lot is at stake. You want to come off as interested — but not too rambunctious, desperate, or impatient. 这句话中的 as interested 里面的 as 也是做副词吗?主要是不知道 as intere...

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关于In addition to 和同位语从句

After the Ambassador had gone to investigate, a man called Horst aimed a fire extinguisher at him under the impression that the Ambassador was on fire. In addition to this, there was a hole in the Ambassador's hat.1. under the impression that the Ambassador was on fire 这句话中,under the impres...

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from 的一特殊用法

from 在这里表示广播、播出的“来源”或“地址”。又如:broadcast from the theater  从剧场转播broadcast from the capital  从首都播出broadcast from London  从伦敦播出broadcast from the satellite  来自卫星的广播

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1. 和谁一起去北京? 我还没决定好。——这句话可能有歧义。如果是对话,就这样翻译:---Who are you going to Beijing with? (With whom are you going to Bejing?)---I haven't decided yet. 如果看作一个完整的句子:我还没决定跟谁一起去北京。I haven't decided with whom to go to Beijing.I haven't d...

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have got to say 是 have to do 的意思吗

是的。口语中的 have got to do = have to do。all I've got to say is done =all I've to say is done =all that I've to say is done

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