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Students move more progressively from understanding less to understanding more—understanding better what they already know and appreciate more what they already have experienced.【翻译】学生们会更加循序渐进地从理解得过少过渡到理解得更多——更好地理解他们已经知道的东西,更加欣赏他们已经经历过的东西。在...

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你的理解正确:as we grow up 是时间状语。但汉语翻译很不理想,很别扭。弄懂这个句子,关键是对 the way we are 的理解,be 有一个意思是 exist(存在。引申为生存;生活)。在本句中,be = exist = live(生存;生活)。把 the way we are 理解为 the way we live 即可。the way we live:我们生活的方式 = 我...

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as 是介词,不是连词。as a result of 可视为 “短语介词” 表原因,作宾语从句中的原因状语。意思是:作为……的结果 ; 由于…的原因,大致等于 because of 的用法。句子基本框架是:A study revealed that ...重点分析宾语从句:that creatures of the seabed were suffering because food supplies were dwindling , possibly...

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if 从句中到底该用some(thing)/any(thing)

在一般疑问句中,用 have something to do with... 和 have anything to do with...,都可以使用,但有区别,见下面的例句。这体现出说话人的口气。if (= whether) 引导的间接疑问句,同样适合上述规则。用 something 或 anyrhing 均可。我们作一比较:这事跟我有关吗?1. Did it have anything to do with me? 2. Di...

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recognize teaching for the sublime art it is我认为,在 it is 之前漏掉了连词 as ,应为:recognize teaching for the sublime art as it is这样,as it is 是个习语,“实际上;事实上”(有时可不译出)。这里,for 表示“原因”。“因为教学是崇高的艺术(所以必须认可)”。The society must recognize teaching for...

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两个 such 都是 predeterminer(前置限定词),限定词类似于形容词的作用作定语。顾名思义,pre- “在前;在前”,“前置限定词” 的位置始终在冠词等限定词之前。谁告诉你第二个 such 是副词了?I have been such a fool. It's such a long trip. 注意第一句演变的位置:I have been a fool. I h...

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He had come up from deep down in the water as the dark cloud of blood had settled and dispersed in the mile deep sea. 网友为何总喜欢发明一些所谓的语法术语(例如:in the water 嵌套 from deep down 修饰 come up?)1. 其实,本句的come up from deep down in the water 这个动词词组,come up (up是副词...

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take time off 与take time off from的区别

以下三个词组都可以说:1. take time off 2. take time off work3. take time off from work结构与意思分析:三个 take 意思都一样,意为:“拿出;抽出”。take time 动宾结构。意为“抽出时间”。1.  第一个 off 是副词小品词,意思是“从中抽出时间”,至于“从什么中”被省去,可根据上下文判断,一般暗指“从繁忙的工...

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Shanghai did not originate from where the tall buildings, luxury shopping malls and CBD are.网友误以为划线部分是“状语从句”。其实是“名词性从句”,作 from 的宾语。这个宾语从句不需要平衡。意思是:高楼大厦、豪华购物中心和CBD(中央商务区 Central Business District)所在的地方。

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被动语态+倒装/ 插入语的用法/ 独立主格/ 伴随状语/ 文学翻译

一、 Added to the shyness of his look was a faint streak of melancholy.1  请您举几个被动语态的倒装句子【答】 除了过去分词的例句,我再增加现在分词的例句。现在分词也有这种情况。过去分词 + be + 主语:Seated beside the teacher were some small children.Cut in the ring was a name: Agnes.Scattere...

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