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after done 还是 after being done

after _____(wear) for 10 to 12 minutes, the glasses enable the mind to resynchronise with the movement...【答】网友的这个问题,涉及两个方面:1. after 和before 用作连词时,不可省略主语和be 动词;而when 和while 就可以省略。2. 本句为何不能是after done,而必须是after being done?现在,详细解答如下:第一...

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网友这个问题涉及翻译问题。英汉两种语言最大的差异之一是:英语动词有“时态”表示动作发生的时和体,而汉语则用 “着;了;过” 代之。“时” 在汉语中有上下文可以判断,“体” 可用 “着、了、过” 表示。“着”——表示动作正在进行。“了”——相当于过去时。“过”——相当于完成时。不要见到“完成时”就必说“已经”。这种对应关系,仅仅指一...

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请问副词能不能修饰 be 动词?——能。副词的主要功能是修饰动词,形容词和副词。在句子 This is truly a great magazine. 中,truly 修饰 be 还是 great?——修饰 is。truely 意为:真的是;确实是;的确是。这个句子翻成:这真是一本好杂志。还是:这是一本真正好的杂志?谢谢!—— 前者。如果是后者的意思,则说: This...

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to someone one has known for a few weeks in a new

to someone one has known for a few weeks in a new place这个to 是承前省略了can be applied,破折号后面的5个to 都是并列的,是对前文a wide range of relationships 的列举,也是对friend 的诠释。one has known for a few weeks in a new place 是someone 的定语从句。

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独立主格结构,如果动作早于谓语动词,则用现在分词的完成体(过去分词完成体,也没有进行体,只有 V + ed 一种形式):These women having produced works of the highest quality, any survey of the 19th century English literature must include them.  独立主格结构,如果动作晚于谓语动词,则用不定式:With t...

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to do 和done 的相关疑惑

网友为何不仔细考虑,能填 educated 吗?填了它谓语 have helped 怎么办?Increased efforts by green groups to educate the public about the benefits of recycling have also helped.1. 观察句子一定要“瞻前顾后,统筹把握”,红色部分是句子的主干:主语+谓语。2. 介词by 引出动作的施事者,但动作可以省略不说。...

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He sensed a smouldering hostility towards him.【翻译】他感觉到一种对他的郁积的敌意。smouldering 是由动词smoulder 变来的现在分词形容词,作定语修饰hostility。意为“郁积的;根深蒂固的”。网友应该意识到后面这个名词hostility,然后重新考虑smouldering 的词义和词性。

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The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences, enlisted by the White House, to tell us that the Earth's atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made.1. 介词短语 from the National Academy of Sciences 作定语,修饰 a panel(专门小组)。from 表示“来源和由....

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after school作的成分

after school 在本句的意思是“课后的;课外的”,作定语修饰名词词组 a wider range of options。意思是,学生除了上课以外,还要参加其他各类活动,有更加广泛的课外选择。Governments need to offer the young a wider range of options after school. 【翻译】政府需要为年轻学生提供更加广泛的课外选择。

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多重否定 never... failed ... without...改如何理解

Lettie had never yet failed to return from town without some special treat for him. 莱蒂每次从城里回来都必定会给他带点特别的礼物。网友的理解是正确的!句子原意是想表达这句汉语的意思。但英语句子出了问题,或者说是错误的。应直接把failed 去掉,把to return 改为谓语动词。修改如下:Lettie had never yet...

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