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by the class distracted的用法

The main content of the training based on knowledge point, lack of vivid case sharing, poor sense of employees by the class easily distracted. 这纯粹是中式英语,也是个错句。网友不要理睬就是了。错误在于:不是一个完整的句子,缺少谓语动词!整个句子基本是由名词词组构成:The main content of the trai...

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1. That's because we've just circled back to where we were.2.  He is around here somewhere.网友理解有误。按照以下解答去理解:back 是“方位”副词;to 是“朝向”介词,分别修饰不及物动词 cricled。我用三个汉字“绕回到”,分别对应 circled back to 这三个单词。你就明白了。第2句有误。改为:He is&nbsp...

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Add sth to sth 和 add sth in sth 的区别

表示“添加”,add 是及物动词,后面接宾语。如果加入到某物中,再用to,即:add A to B.例如:Add some milk to coffee在add in 词组中,add 是及物动词。in 是副词,表示结果“加进;加入”。in 后面不再接名词,但add in 可以分离,因为及物动词+副词,是可以分离的,如:put on your shirt = put your shirt on。我用曾老师...

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究竟是came near doing sth还是came near to doing sth?

come near doingcome near to doing两个表达都对。只是结构不同:come near(介词) doingcome near(副词) to (介词)doingPREP Near means the same as near to. 接近He was near (to) tears.他几乎要流泪了。For almost a month he lay near (to) death.他半死不活地躺了将近一个月。Don't come near (to)me.别靠...

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请问此处的to die是状语还是宾语补足语啊,谢谢老师解答

You sent an honest man to die.是的,不定式作宾补。to die 能是目的状语吗?动脑子想想。send 可用作使役动词,作“使…处于”,“使…变得” 解。可接以形容词、动词不定式、现在分词、介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。下句才是目的状语:I'll send someone to show you around.我将派人带你到周围转转。(与宾语有关的状语...

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He had scheduled classes at the same time as Hegel's, knowing full well that thereby he was guaranteeing for himself few, if any, students.看红色部分。guatantee 是及物动词,接单宾语(few students)。for himself 是目的状语,提到宾语前(因为宾语内部含有一个条件状语 if any,相对较长一些,为了结构紧...

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In analyzing the international and domestic situation, in addition to documenting our achievements and opportunities , we should also identify weak links , shortcomings , difficulties , challenges and risks as situations evolve and change.几个关键语言点:1. In analyzing the international and domesti...

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so constituted that...是什么意思

constituted 是 constitute 的过去分词,在应用中已变成形容词,意为“人的性情好;身体素质好”,多见于表示结果的 so...that...句式:如此......以至于......。例如,你的句子:She is so constituted that she never complains. 她性格天生如此,从不抱怨。He is so constituted that he can accept criticism without res...

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government threat是什么意思(到底是谁威胁谁)

我认为,government threat 这个表达不太规范,最好避免使用。不过,从结构上看,government 应是threat 的定语。所以,government threat 的意思理解为:threat from the government(来自政府的威胁)建议使用以下表达:threat from the government(来自政府的威胁)threat to the government (对政府的威胁) &nb...

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请问句中的draw to a close later是什么意思

draw to a close,意思是:“结束,终结,告终;渐近结束;临近尾声”。等于 come to a close ; come to a conclusion 。例如:1. My stay in Beijing eventually drew to a close.  我呆在北京的日子终于结束了。2. In this manner, the visit drew to a close.  访问以这种方式接近尾声。3. The days...

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