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be timetabled for与be timetabled at/on的区别

【答】不可以,这两个句子都用for。要知为什么,听我详细道来......▲ timetable用作动词,意思等于schedule,前者为英国英语。用作动词时这俩词都表示“把某事件列入计划;为某事件制定进度表、时间表”,其宾语一般是指“事件”的名词。▲ 我们经常听说:I arrived at the company at eight in the morning. 我在早上八点到达公...

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Well, you can stay here, just for tonighthe's sent me to sit with a boy! And that boy is Gilbert Blythe!just for; and that 这些是不是习惯用语,如何区分它的词性??【答】本来好端端的句子,你把它们理解得支离破碎的。1. stay here for tonight:介词for 表示“目的”——“为了度过今晚”。just 起强调作用,你怎...

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compose poems,compose work,compose paper用法问题

shortage 是个“可变名词”(既可数,又不可数),当“缺乏”这个概念被具体化时,也就是前面有形容词修饰的时候,往往用作可数名词,所以加冠词a。注意:a 跟water无关,water 也是修饰shortage 作定语。the possibility 在这里是特指,被后面的of a serious water shortage 将它限定,所以,应加定冠词。compose,表示“(文学...

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1.This iron is magnetic,so it attracts other things made of iron.2.In language,conjunctions are words like "and" and "but".请问以上两句是否是定语从句,并划分一下句子成分?【答】根据你的提问看出,你问的红色部分是不是定语从句,是吗?我的回答:是定语,但不是定语从句。【划分成分】1.T...

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It is expected for sb to do sth对吗

expect 常用的3个结构:1. He expects to come.2. We expect him to come.3. We expect that he will come.我们用被动式转换以上结构,看看是否正确:1. He expects to come. → To come is expected by him. (误)(说明:不定式作宾语时,无法成为被动句的主语)2. We expect him to come. → He is expected to come.(正...

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With the WIFI we can escape into another world at the click of a button. For many this virtual world is a dream come true. They find they can do away with the daily routines and stay inside for weeks and arrange everything from home.Still others, who get sucked into the virtual world, may find commu...

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fail to do sth的意思与语法分析

不建议细分。只需记住fail to do 表示“未能做成”即可。字面意思是“做某事失败了”,引申为“未能做到某事”。这是英语的固定用法,就像 have to do, happen to do,hesitate to do 等,是一个道理。把两个动词看作是一个词义的组合。

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问题1:it is n. that v. …… 这个结构中,v.的形式?        n.=you;v.=is?        n.=单数;v.=单数        n.=复数;v.=单数?复数?【答】首先确定,网友指的是强调句子的主语。那么: It is + 复数名词/...

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zero articles(零冠词)的语法分析

一、“零冠词”是一个语法术语,应该使用单数:zero article。这个单词在句子使用中,应加定冠词,因为zero 作定语,article 是可数名词,可数名词的单数出现在句中,需加冠词。【注意】这个术语叫“零冠词”,但它是个名词词组,这个术语在句中使用时不能是零冠词。例如:This paper attempts to give an analysis of the form...

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把I to do it 看作是“合成词”,相当于一个名词。这只能是非正式英语。

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