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疑问1:标题Not for jazz翻译是不适于演奏爵士乐。为什么不是可以翻译成不是为了爵士乐?这句话得怎么解析呢?—— for 有多种用法,最常用的两种用法是:1. 适合于; 2.为了 (目的)短文讲的内容就是:这台老式钢琴不适合演奏爵士乐。你却偏偏让它为了演奏爵士乐。而且还要问“为什么”。疑问2:She tried to play jazz on it...

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According to Cisco(状语), a maker of networking gear(Cisco 的同位语), video (主语)accounted for (谓语动词。为理解之计,视为及物动词词组)70% of global internet traffic (宾语)in 2015(状语), a share (70% 的同位语,同时担任本句的主语)it thinks (插入语)will increase (谓语动词)to 82% (...

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no wiser than 和 not more than 的区别

网友这个句子理解有误:He is not wiser than his brother. 他没他哥哥聪明。(误)语法分析没有太多意义,记住、会用这些表达即可:1. He is as wise as his brother. 他和他哥哥一样聪明。2. He is not as wise as his brother. 他不如他哥哥聪明。3. He is not so wise as his brother. 他不如他哥哥...

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For still another的疑问

still 有时可以修饰带有“递进意义”的代词、形容词,副词比较级(如:still another;still better, still further)等。可以看作“强调副词”。例如:Why does he want to invest in still another business?他为什么还想投资另一项业务?He had made still another characteristic mistake. 他自己又犯了一次习惯性的错...

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为什么这里用虚拟语气(should) arrive

我们有些网友狭隘地理解了“虚拟语气”。认为“虚拟语气” 一定与事实不符或相反——这是非常错误的!广义的虚拟语气,只是表现在动词形式的变化,与事实是否相悖无关。其实,“虚拟语气” 是一种动词形式。没有人规定:“虚拟语气” 一定与事实不符或相反。语气,跟时态和语态一样,也是动词的一种形式,表明说话者的目的和意图。英...

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He had at last been allowed to send a fax in which he informed the editor that he had been arrested while ... 等于:He had at last been allowed to send a fax,and in the fax he informed the editor that he had been arrested while ...这样的句子很多。例如:He sent me a letter in which he told me that.....

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try to do与try doing的用法

try to do 和 try doing 之辨try to do 和 try doing,有的网友一直分不清楚。原因在于,有的词典、语法书、教辅书也都把 try to do 理解为“试着做某事”。—— 这是非常错误的。try to do:“尽力去做”。意味着,在做某事之前做好准备,调动一切手段,努力做好某事。不定式表示“目的”,而不是宾语。意思等于try your best to d...

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They believe that caring adults have been very important for a young person was born.该句空格处需要连词,任何介词都错。for 按连词处理,语法对,句意错。 所以句子仍然是错的。改正方法之一:They believe that caring adults have been very important when a young person is born.

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How much am I behind?I'm three payments behind.我欠了多少钱?我已经拖欠三次款了。第一句,be behind (系表结构。副词 behind 作表语,表示“拖欠款”)how much 用来询问程度和数量,修饰这个系表结构。第二句,是在be behind 中加上了名词词组three payments,修饰 behind ,说明具体拖欠的数量(三次付款)。&nbsp...

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be of 加名词短语的问题

不可以说:1. This letter is extremely of importance.但可以说:2. This letter is extremely important.                    3. This letter is of extreme importance.道理就是:extremely 是程度副词,可以修饰形容...

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