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have....be done 是什么结构

have 为“使令性动词”时,有3个常用结构:1. have + 宾语 + do sth.2. have + 宾语 + doing sth.3. have + 宾语 + done在have your destiny be predetermined 中,predetermined 是形容词(adj. 业已决定的;先已决定的)所以,have your destiny be predetermined 应归到结构1 中。do 是动词原形的指示,也代表着...

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The difficult part of non-acceptance of others, of those aspects of ourselves that we don’t like  or of situations we face in life that seem greatly unfair is that we stay stuck, and we stay stressed. 【翻译】不接受他人(意见),不接受我们不喜欢的自身上的那些缺陷,不接受我们生活中看起来极...

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That is all there was to my experience.That is all:主系表结构。存在句there was 作定语,修饰先行词all,在all 之后省略了关系代词that。to my experience 也是作定语修饰all,意思是:对于我过去的经历而言,那就是全部。there was 表示“过去存在的;过去有的”。再举个简单的例子:You may take all the books there...

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He complained about having been kept waiting 分析

网友既然已经知道 about 之后接动名词,那么,你还应该知道:动名词有被动式,还有完成式,两者合起来就是“完成被动式”。“完成被动式”表示:该动作已经早于谓语动词complained 发生,而且其逻辑主语(即:句子的主语)与它是被动关系。我举一个跟网友类似的句子:He never minded have been kept waiting for a long time....

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不是独立主格。而是show 的3个直接宾语,最后一个由and 连接:the world's press,hands aloft and clamouring:世界媒体、高举双手和大声疾呼。clamouring:动名词,具有动词特征,后面可以接不定式。...allow state media to show domestic audience the world's press, hands aloft and clamouring to join this...

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as if doing的问题

That’s when it crosses your mind that all this can disappear as if by magic, using the surgeon’s knife.请教老师,句型分析:句子主语that(绿色)指代前面整个句子(划线);when引导的从句作句子表语。that引导的从句到句末是真正的主语(红色),it是形式主语(蓝色)。——分析正确。在句子 all this can disappear as...

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being taught…是否可以用定语从句的形式表示

不可以用定语从句代替现在分词,因为这里的现在分词不是作定语的。本句是一个“with 复合结构”。其构成是:with + sb. + 现在分词。who do a specific job 作sb. 的定语。现在分词的逻辑主语是sb.,不是job,现在分词跟job 无关。更正要的是:在“with 复合结构”中,sb. 后面的现在分词不是作定语的,而是宾语补足语。所以无...

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句子开头不完整。只分析 coming in at number 10 with an average annual salary of $178 400 这一部分。这是现在分词短语,作“非限制性定语”,修饰chief executive(首席执行官)。1. coming in:in 是副词,类似我们经常说的“进来(come in)” ,本句的 coming in 表示“进入某种排行”。2. at number 10:...

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那么关系副词指代先行词吗?—— 不是。因为先行词是一个名词,它是关系副词的一部分,而不是全部。4个关系副词与先行词的关系,看例句:I'll never forget the day on which (= when) my son was born.我永远忘不了我儿子出生的那一天。He forgot the exact place in which (= where) he had hidden the jewel...

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关于up by的理解

(1)Foreign-funded enterprises saw their net profits reach 55.95 billion yuan (about $8 billion) in 2018, up 13.4 percent year-on-year.(2)The industry saw revenue growth to 20.3 billion euros, up 18% YOY.1. 网友理解有误。两个句子中的 up 都是介词,不是副词。之后没有省略 by。这个 up 表示 双重含义:...

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