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This is the worst thing that's happened to me in all my life!老师,把happened to 看成一个新的及物动词,还是to me为状语?【答】有些固定的短语动词,例如:happen to, look at , listen to 等,不宜把动词和介词短语拆开分析,应看作一个固定习语即可。请问及物动词,能加介词,组合成新的一个及物动词或动词短...

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现在分词短语的句子成分问题(paint sb doing sth)

He painted her sitting with her hands folded. 请问这句中的现在分词短语 sitting with her hands folded 是什么成分?【答】这是一个非常有意思的问题。如果把He painted her sitting with her hands folded. 改为He painted a picture of her sitting with her hands folded.  那么,her sitting w...

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Tom used to be shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.这句话如果一定要把but 分句,再改成并列分句或复合句的话,建议网友把句子改为:1. Tom was usually shy, but this time he was very bold and was able to give a performance in front of a large audience.2...

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If they give in, they feel regret and resentment over having been a pushover. 【翻译】如果他们屈服了,他们就会因为自己成为失败者而感到后悔和怨恨。1. 介词over 表示原因,介词后跟名词、动名词均可。意为“因为,由于”。又如:I regretted over my failure.  我为我的失败而遗憾。2. regret 和resentment 都是...

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pay...a year与pay...by the week中冠词的用法

It’s said John will be in a job paying over $60,000 a year.Right, he will also get paid by the week.【翻译】据说,约翰将从事一份年薪超过6万美元的工作。对,他还将按周领薪水。【分析】1. a job:不定冠词表示“泛指”。大家都还不知道具体是什么工作,为何要加the 呢?2. by the week(按周), by the day(按天),...

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So you liking it here—这里liking是什么用法

仔细体会一下,网友的这个句子,涉及三个问题:1. 第一个问题是,在you 之前省略了are: So are you liking it here? 这从答语就可以看得出来:My staff and I are loving it. 口语中,省略助动词(操作词)的情况,比较常见。我觉得这不是问题的难点。关于助动词的省略,再举几例:在口语中经常省略助动词。You (had)...

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have a red coat on 可以等于have on a red coat吗

网友 dean623623:以下解答,你采纳的依据是什么?能否给一个理由?没有理由,给个借口也行!http://ask.yygrammar.com/q-29232.html

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1、A Google search can leak between 0.2 and7.0 grams of C02, depending on how many attempts are needed to get the “right”answer.这句话中的depending on .....answer作什么状语?还是定语 【答】depending on .....answer 是现在分词短语作“方式状语”,意为:“依据...;取决于...”2、To deliver results to it...

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我不知道网友为何这样改句子,改的目的是什么?不改变意思只是为了变换结构,还是为了改变意思而变换结构?好了,就按网友的意思,改的结果如下:They’ve also found profitable markets for the recyclables where cast-off items are acceptable or even welcome. (定语从句)【翻译】他们还为可回收材料找到了有利...

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