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What I want is to swim. (正确)What I want is some food . (正确)What I want is 的表语是名词或不定式,都正确。What I want to do is (to) swim.(正确)What I want to do is 的表语只能是表动作的不定式,不能是纯名词。What you are afraid of is swimming. (正确)What you are afraid of doing is (to) swim....

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Friendship is based on the premise of mutual respect, not allow a bit enforcement, interference nor controlment.这个句子是很典型的中式英语,有缺陷甚至错误。分析如下:the premise:意为“前提”。其实它跟 be based on 连用,纯属多余,直接删除。包括 of 也删掉。即:Friendship is based on mutual respect.其次...

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What the business of great men, that pass the stage of the world in seeming triumph as these men we call heroes have done?这个句子选自《论人间荣誉之虚渺》,是英国17世纪著名小说家与散文家丹尼尔·笛福的名篇。该句用现代语法是分析不了的,或者说,时隔3个世纪之久的英语,可能不太符合现代英语的语法规则。问题...

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The potential is there that this is not as isolated a phenomenon as we might hope it is.1. 这个句子的主干是“主系表”结构:The potential is there,is表示“存在”,相当于exsits,there 指某个地方。意为“潜在的事物在那里存在着”,不用考虑太复杂了。2. that this is not as isolated a phenomenon as we might hope...

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根据英文表达习惯,这两个网络走红术语,似乎应这样翻译:犀利哥:Brother Sharp淡定姐:Sister Calm可参考英文网站:http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/brother-sharp-%E7%8A%80%E5%88%A9%E5%93%A5 AboutBrother Sharp (犀利哥) is the nickname given to Chen Guorong, a homeless man from the streets of Ningbo in C...

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withdrawn的含义和collapsed after suicidal actions理解

1. TV industry had withdrawn to its domestic market.2. Machine-tool industry had collapsed after suicidal actions.这两个句子不懂,withdrawn的含义,如何理解呢?collapsed after suicidal actions如何理解?【翻译】1. 电视生产行业已撤到了国内市场。2. 机床行业因业内自相残杀效应已经崩溃。withdraw to:退到;...

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Condensations are inching their way closer and closer to the surface of the wood.【答】句子有误,应把condensation 改为condensations。因为谓语是are,物主代词是their。1. inch 是动词,意为“缓慢地移动,慢慢前进”。2. “inch one’s way to + 地点” 跟 “make one’s way to + 地点” 是一样的结构。3. “inch one’s wa...

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more than相当于什么词性?可以引导状语从句?

Towards the end of the 1990s, more than a decade and a half Diet Coke was first introduced, sale of Coca Cola's best-selling low caloric drink appeared to slow down.【答】从结构来看,本句是个错句。原因如下:1. more than a decade and a half Diet Coke was first introduced:这个句子本身有问题。more...

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这应该是一个省略了is 的句子:target is loaded。1. 不是独立主格结构,独立结构是附着在另外一个句子的省略有关成分的“主谓结构”。2. 不是过去分词作定语,分词作定语表达的是一个名词性短语,不是一个完整意义的句子。

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mean done是什么用法

It also means done in a practical way.done 在本句中,应该加引号,或者改为斜体或黑体。它本身表达名词概念,不可理解为“means后面跟过去分词作宾语”。就像Practically means nearly. 这个句子类似,我们不能说“副词nearly做means的宾语”。又如:Satisfied means done, finished, and I don't need any more.&n...

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