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requiring face-to-face conversation分词用法

requiring face-to-face conversation,是eye contact 的定语,非限制性的。等于:...without eye contact, which requires face-to-face conversation. 

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As his name is, so is he怎么划分句子成分

简单地说,as 是比较从句;so is he 是主句,也是个倒装句。直译就是:正如他的名字一样,他也是这样的人。

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句式分析“to what extent + 句子”

It(形式主语) is not clear to what extent Solvency 2 applies to their non-European subsidiaries. (主语从句,真正主语)其实,这个句子没有网友想象的那么复杂。其结构跟下面的句子相同:It is not clear what we will do next.(主语从句,真正主语)what we will do 是真正主语; it 是形式主语。(网友的句子只...

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一、如果你是初学者,你只需要知道并记住:all set 是个形容词,相当于 ready。它可以独立使用,可以用作表语。例如:(1)独立使用(口语):All set! = Ready! All set? = Ready?(2)用于句子:Everything is all set. = Everyrhing is ready.至此,你的问题已经解决。all set 用在句子中作表语,is 不能少!二、如果你...

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who 是“关系代词”,作为“名词”使用。——这个说法,倒是没有大的问题。有的舍近求远的意思。who 作为“名词”使用,不如直接说代词,因为不仅名词可以作主语,代词也可以作主语。

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With the mass production of pencils, they are getting drastically more popular in many countries with each passing decade.网友对第一个词组理解正确。with the mass production of pencils 看做原因状语。关于第二个词组 with each passing decade,它是“时间状语”。不过在理解时,不要按照“每过十年” 去翻译。而应...

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如何理解比较句型:A is as adj for sb as B is for sb.

be difficult for sb. 结构,除非强调for sb.可以提前。对于这个比较句而言,如果 for sb. 提前至句首,主句可以处理,但 as 从句不好处理。这原本就是一个as ...as... 比较主从句。不知网友为何要改变结构呢?演绎一下:1. This must have been difficult for them.划线部分不要拆开,在形容词前加程度副词as:This must h...

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网友抄错了句子。critical 是形容词,应改为动词 criticize,与前面的动词平行并列。If you hang back, and reserve and criticize at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you need.第一个and 似乎多余,其实这是修辞的排比用法,虽然“重复”,但起到“强调”作用。逗号是...

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You either starve to death or live like Robinson Crusoe, wating for a boat which never comes.你要么饿死,要么像鲁滨逊·克鲁索一样活着,等待一艘永远不会来的船。从句子整体意思看,wating for a boat which never comes 是修饰 live like Robinson Crusoe 的方式状语,其逻辑主语自然是句子的主语(you)。如果分析...

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Staying in small motels aren't as comfortable as being at home. (误)Staying in small motels isn't as comfortable as being at home. (正)

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