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He stole a book from her.Match the words with the things in the picture.划线部分都是谓语。何况一个动词?你和你的老师,对句子成分的概念不清楚。作为动词词组,你可以把它们一块记忆。如果深入分析,就把它们分开。介词短语作状语。from her:来源状语。with the things:方式状语。

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In vain在句子中做什么成分?可不可以放到句子的后面即to place...

不可以。这里,in vain 是修饰全句的,包括现在分词的内容。如果放在分词的逗号之前,说明只能修饰前文,不修饰分词,句意会差别很大。区别对照如下:In vain they rush frantically round from place to place, trying to escape from acenging boredom by mere clatter and motion.他们疯狂地从一个地方跑到另一个地方,...

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The man must have the strength of a hippopotamus, or he never________ the cattle.A. could have vanquished B. would vanquish  C. should have vanquished D. had vanquished你考虑得有一定道理。但这个句子中,or后面的部分,是想表达过去的一个事件:“否则的话,他当时是决不可能打败牛的”。前一分...

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tomrrow at 10 的词序有问题吗

曾老师的解答非常好。但是,这个句子是个例外情况:tomrrow 和at 10 的位置不可颠倒。▲这是因为,tomrrow at 10 不是说明arranged 发生的时间,而是跟the discussion 有关,是指“讨论”发生的时间。因此for tomrrow at 10 不是时间状语,而是目的状语;还可理解为定语,限制修饰the discussion。因此,句子应该这样翻译:The...

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数量词重叠(涉及among other things等)

And Tulane, among other things, has doubled the number a hurricane of on-campus programs for accepted students and hosted a community service weekend program.请告诉这个句子的出处。我认为a hurricane 是多余,讲不通,应去掉。改为:And Tulane, among other things, has doubled the number of on-campus prog...

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关于fruit 的用法,可参考《vegetable 和fruit 的五大用法疑点》:http://ask.yygrammar.com/q-317.html

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1. ...she found a picture of a mouse in the trap besides the picture of the cheese.2. ...she found a picture of a mouse in the trap beside the picture of the cheese.句1和句2,语法都对,只是语义不同。需要根据语境选择一个合适的才是,单纯这个句子而言,你的理解也并非不对!

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with sb. togetehr with sb. along with sb. 都可表示“跟某人一起”,在句中一般作状语:“方式状语”。在句中,状语成分是一个次要成分,当然可以省略掉,句子结构和意思仍然完整。I'll go there (with Tom).I'll go there (together with Tom).I'll go there (along with Tom).

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表示疑问时,who 原则上指单数。因此,谓语动词使用单数 has。如果是关系代词,则要另当别论,要看先行词的单复数决定。

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当然可以。又如:She was in a hurry to see her child. 她急切地想见到她的孩子。(was in a hurry 的目的,是see her child)She stayed to take care of her mother. 她留下来照料她母亲。(stayed 的目的,是take care of her mother)

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