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His ambition to become an astronaut deserves our support.He has a wish to travel round the whole country.网友描述的第一种说法正确。正确而科学的表述应为:不定式作定语,不定式与被修饰词之间是“同位关系”。英语中,不定式 (短语) 经常用在名词之后作定语,这是一个大的概念。语法学在总结其规律的基础上,又根据...

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系表结构还是被动语态(being resolved)

本句 being resolved 是被动语态,意思“被解决”。如果 resolved 是形容词,意思为“下定决心的;坚决的”,不符合句意。不过,网友不必研究这个内容。你真正需要知道的是 be far from doing  (being done) 这个结构和意思,就行了。

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be doing until与will be doing until区别

从动词的时态来讲,进行时跟 until 连用,似乎不合理。延续性动词跟 until 连用,要么动作已经结束,要么将来结束。例如:1. I worked until 11 : 30.2. I will work until 11 : 30.第一句没有争议,工作已经结束。第二句可能是个歧义句:(1)I begin to work at eight and I will work until 11 : 30.(说话时...

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Few scientists of this or any millennium can rival in significance the discovery of the structure of DNA.网友理解失误。rival 是及物动词,意为“比得上;配得上”。宾语是 the discovery of the structure of DNA,而 in significance 是介词短语(在重要性上),被置于“动宾之间”。这种现象叫做“动宾分隔” 或宾语后...

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write well, feel smooth 用一般现在时态吗

My smartphone battery is running low. It needs charging.run + adj.(low):这显然是系表结构。跟描写物品属性的“主动表被动” 无关。其实,这是一个时态问题。be 动词以外的其他系动词,在句中照常有时态的要求。run 属于表示“变化意义” 的系动词。本句的错误在于用了一般现在时。因为一般现在时用在这里毫无意义,谁的...

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draw upon用法

一样的结构:They also have more personal resource to draw upon in the future. They also have more work to do in the future.They also have more information to rely on in the future.

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main 用作名词,与冠词连用。the main 意思是“主导地位;主导人物”。

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Clearly, it was a case of murder,  the oldest case of murder (a case of muder 的同位语)ever discovered.(是前面划线部分的定语)显然,这是一起谋杀案,是迄今为止发现的最古老的谋杀案。纠正网友的错误说法:英语中根本没有“定语从句省略的定语”。它是定语从句就是定语从句,是定语就是定语。决不能说,这个...

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What color is xxx?

What color is the shirt?本句实际是在what color 之前省略了of:Of what color is the shirt?of  +...age, colour, length, width, depth,height, shape, size, thickness, quality, scale(规模) 等表示大小、长短、深浅、重量、年龄、颜色、材料、高度、形状、规模等的词连用,of 常可以省略。When I was (of) you...

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'd 是should 还是would 亦或是had的缩写?

If a camper was attacked by a bear or something, we'd hear about it.本句,'d = would,不是 should。

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