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1. 请问该如何翻译下面的中文部分的句子?   We always say “We can't waste water”or “我们不能乱扔垃圾 ” —but nothing is changing!因为保护环境不只是说,更重要的是做!   “因为保护环境不只是说,更重要的是做!”我的翻译是:    Because protecting the environm...

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介词to和of 的区别

of 表示“所属关系”,to 表示“针对关系、对象关系”,具有针对性。 a victim to drugs:毒品的牺牲品。说明某人因吸毒无法自拔,最后成为“毒品的牺牲品”。用to 不用of,常见的表达有:the answer to the questionthe solution to the problemthe response to the inquirythe reaction to the proposalthe...

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【分析】It (形式主语:代替后面的主语从句)is generally accepted (谓语) that a boy must learn to stand up and fight like a man.(真正主语:主语从句)此结构由下列句子的主动语态变来。要做到举一反三,不要拘泥于某一个句子,要学会掌握句子类型。1. People (主语)generally accept (谓语)that a boy must...

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get...away from理解

water gets boilded away from the solution:get done 与 be done 的主要区别:前者强调“动作”,后者表示“状态”。前者强调“变化过程”,后者表示“结果”。比较:My pen was lost, but I don't know how it got lost.我的钢笔丢了,但我不知道它是怎么丢的。

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请帮忙翻译句子(was convinced that...)

Darwin was convinced that the loss of these tastes was not only a loss of happiness, but might possibly be injurious to the intellect,and more probably to the moral character.【翻译】达尔文确信,失去这些品味不仅丧失幸福,而且可能会损害智力,更有可能伤害道德品质。【分析】Darwin (主语)was convinced...

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be charged被动语态的意思

be charged 有两层意思: 1. 被起诉/被指控;2. 被索价/被收费to the hilt:习语。意为“最大限度地”,等于to the utmost;;to the maximum;to the full。I'm charged to the hilt. 我被索价到了最高额。charge 根据语境可引申为:赊欠,欠款。

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分析:What others think you think and what you think.

完整的句子应该是这样:what others think you think and what you think they think you think. 【翻译】别人认为你怎么想、以及你认为别人会认为你怎么想。【分析】本句and 连接两个并列的、由what 引导的名词性从句,两个名词性从句的作用相当于两个名词,不是完整的句子。1.  what others think you think:...

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as 用法(as has made)

For the purpose of this provision, " infrastructure company " means such a company as has made investments by way of acquiring shares or providing long term finance to an enterprise.网友的句子,company 是可数名词,之前应该有a。前不久,在“答疑网”经过专家老师们的多次反复讨论,...

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网友不必过度考虑这些无谓的问题。就像有人给出一个错误的命题,任何人都无法证实它的真实性一样。 一个句子正确的前提是:语法正确;同时有逻辑意义。如果用一般现在时,而没有使用表示习惯的时间状语,说I get up,那么,尽管语法正确,但毫无逻辑意义。只有说:I usually get up at six. 或者 I got up at six today. 才...

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on 的用法

两种理解可以参考:1. on 表示“关于;有关;涉及” 之意,等于 about。关于该歌曲的背景音。2. on 还表示“依据”之意,等于based on。依据该歌曲而谱写的背景音。

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