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the master under whom he serves his literary apprenticeship这是一个名词性词组,划线部分为定语从句,whom 指代 the master。结构关系为:the master (导师)under whom (在老师的指导下)he serves his literary apprenticeship(他完成他的文学实习期) 

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你说的“无动词分句”,我认为可划分为两种情况:①并非分句,而是一种状语成分,修饰主句谓语动词。②从句中某些成分的省略现象及其结果。一、不带连词,可以是形容词短语和名词短语——这实际为状语,修饰主句谓语动词,不是“无动词分句”。Your friend comes to school very upset. 你朋友来学校时心里很不安。He went to bed c...

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“终止性动词”原则上不能跟“时间段”连用,因为这样表达不符合逻辑。如果在非正式英语中出现了这种情况,那么,则是指该动作发生“之后的持续时间”,而不是“该动词本身持续的时间”。例如:He has left for New York for a year. 是说“他去了纽约准备住一年”。而不是“他去了纽约一年了”。同样,The Smiths have come here for a...

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The earliest we arrive there is...中包括的是定语从句吗

▲The earliest we arrive there is about three days later. = The earliest time that we arrive there is about three days later.= The earliest time when we arrive there is about three days later.1. we arrive there 是定语从句,先行词是The earliest (time),省略了关系副词when 或that。2. 不过,这个句子的时...

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1. That he is still alive is sheer luck.【翻译】他还活着全靠运气。2. Whether the plan is feasible remains to be proved.【翻译】这一计划是否可行还有待证实。句1,That he is still alive 是主语从句。句2, Whether the plan is feasible 是主语从句。成分划分如下:1. That he is still alive (...

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这位网友是不是想说:名词所有格's 作定语,和 of 介词短语作定语,有何区别?网友考虑的很全面,担心解答老师看不懂,我理解。其实,你无须解释,只需提问就行!

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两个小问题(to blame/to be blamed以及ten other/other ten)

1. Pedestrians, drivers, and road conditions are all to blame.请问为何不是 Pedestrians, drivers, and road conditions are all to be blamed.【答】Pedestrians, drivers, and road conditions are all to be blamed. 也可以说,但不如原句符合英语习惯。又如:She is to be praised, not to be blamed. 她应该受表扬...

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Expert 举的这些例句,不属于宾补放在宾语前的情形。真正宾语用了形式宾语it代替,但宾补仍然放在了形式宾语的后面。下面的这些句子才是:动词 + 宾补 + 宾语。He pushed open the door. 他把门推开。He cut short his holiday to deal with the crisis为了处理这些危机他缩短了他的休假。They painted green all the...

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stand back是动态的还是静态的

“静态动词”,如果跟动态的“小品词”相遇,那么就变成了“动态”的动词词组。例如,动词lie, stand, sit, stay, think 等通常表示“状态”,在跟“动态”小品词结合后,则由“静态变成动态”。试比较:第1句表示“静态”概念,第2句则表示“动态” 概念。1. She lay on the sofa for a whole day. 她在沙发上躺了一整天。2. He lay down o...

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if 条件句的理解与翻译

If I can stand back up, the race goes on. 【翻译】如果我能重新站立起来,比赛就会继续。本句没有什么难点,只需要把副词back 的意思搞清楚,就行了。back 表示“回到原处”,意味着重新再来的意思,引申为“重新”。stand up ---- stand back up

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