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the reason后接定语从句用why还是that来引导

Is that the reason  ______ you don't agree with them ?答案为 why,用 that 可以吧?agree with 后面缺宾语。that 或者 which 做 agree with 的宾语,或者省略。可以这样理解么?【答】本句使用why 和that 都可以。不过,你解释的不正确。agree with 是有宾语的:agree with them。这个与用that 无关。1. reaso...

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glacial ice with a depth great enough for the ice to flow:1. with a depth great enough for the ice to flow不是独立主格,而是介词短语作定语,修饰glacial ice。2. 在这个介词短语中,great enough for the ice to flow是形容词短语作定语,修饰a depth,相当于一个定语从句。补充完整为:glacial ice with a depth...

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1.The public has come to expect the steady increase in the standard of living that new developments in science and technology have brought.请问老师,that 在定语从句 new developments in science and technology have brought 中作宾语,那么 that 可否省略?【答】 可以省略。本句仍然适应关系代词作从句宾语时...

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50 赞同

be going to 与 be doing 表示将来的区别

我对“进行时表将来”、be going to do、will do,做一个概括性总结和比较:一、现在进行时表将来:实质就是“终止性动词”在进行状态下显示出来的“未完成特征”。例如:He is going to Shanghai tomorrow. 他明天要去上海。We are leaving for Beijing this afternoon.我们打算下午动身去北京。I think I am finishing the job...

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Parents today overlook the significance of kids sharing housework, but studies show chores help children develop better in studies, mental health and even future careers. Besides, it enables kids to become responsible and self- reliant. Still, by doing their share of chores, kids grow to be loving,...

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involved in过去分词做定语的用法

"Get the children," his wife blurted, then dashed to the door to call the older boy. He stared at her a brief moment, seeing the fear in her face, but also a loathing for all men involved in the making and dispatch of nuclear weapons.1. involved in是过去分词做定语吗?意思是被涉及到的人,有...

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be about much more than的理解

the philosophy:在本句指“音乐的基本原理;音乐的哲理”,不是指“哲学”。表示“哲学”时,philosophy 不能加定冠词。be (all)about:指主语的意义所在。我尝试翻译一下:Now, if we are going to understand the philosophy, we have to first understand that music for the Greeks was about much more than entertainmen...

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as...as when结构中when引导的是什么从句

I am as strong now as when I was a young man.这是一个含有比较状语从句的复合句。从句的特点和注意事项:1. “比较对应项”(即:比较的对应成分)是strong,只在主句出现,从句必须缺失。2. “重复项”是I was(时态是过去时,主句是I am),由于重复,最好省略。3. “参与比较项”(两个相比较的成分:now 和when I was...

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请帮忙翻译句子(It tends to ignore...)

It(a system of conservation)tends to ignore, and thus eventually to eliminate, many elements in the land community that lack commercial value, but that are essential to its healthy functioning.【翻译】它 (一种保护制度) 往往忽视,因而最终摈弃陆地生态群的许多因素,这些因素虽然缺乏商业价值,但对其健康...

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It tells the story of a young guy discovering, not without some tears along the way, the importance of strength of character, of standing up for what is right.【翻译】它讲述了一个年轻人的故事,一路走来不乏心酸泪水,去发现性格力量的重要,为正义挺身而出的价值。【分析】本句主要结构是,It tells the stor...

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