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不用考虑复杂了——不定式表示目的、带有目的时,才指将来发生的事。网友这些句子,没有一个是表示目的、带有目的的不定式:It is kind of the girl to see the lonely woman every week.Tom thinks the old man to be rich.I pretend to know what happened.The boy seems to love the tall gril.所以,不定式都是目前已经存...

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comma 的用法

(1)I have said nothing yet. (2)I have said nothing, yet.(1)我还什么都没说呢。(尚未)(2)可我什么也没说。(转折)

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不可以。例如,“用这种方法”,注意不同的搭配:in this wayby this meanswith this method分别举例:Many linguists have looked at language in this way. 许多语言学家就是这样看待语言的。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Our English has improved quickly by this means. 通过这种方式,我们的英语水平提高很快。I...

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红色部分为什么不是In the west of our school?

West of our school are many barbecue stands, where students like to go after school.‍West of our school = To the west of our school表示“在学校以外的西部”,不在学校内部,也不接壤。这是倒装句:West of our school are many barbecue stands,使用倒装句的原因,是让主语 many barbecue stands 后面的定语从句紧...

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一个中式英语的句子,除了结构不正确外,把“完成说的话” 改为 “完成布置的任务”。忘掉那个句子,不要继续研究它了。改为:I have finished what my English teacher assigned (to) us in class.

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这句话being different如何理解呢?

What do you hear being different?being different 是现在分词短语,作 what 的宾补。由于疑问代词 what 是 hear 的宾语,所以,what 一定是指代“声音”之类的名词。其结构为:hear (动词)sth.(宾语,指声音) being different(宾补)听到声音(发音)有区别;听到不同的声音(发音)。 比如,你在听两个相似的单...

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in kind 在句中的意思

different in kind:在种类上不同。in 表示“在......方面”。又如:The regions differ in size, but not in kind. 这些地区大小各异,但类型相同。《牛津词典》Atomic power is different in kind from that generated by oil-and coal-fired stations. 原子能与以石油或煤为动力的发电站所产生的能在种类(性质)上是不同...

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补语和状语之争Complement or Adverbial? 有人可能问:“补语”和“状语”是句子成分的两个名称,叫什么不行?何必较真呢?——是的,这不过是个名称问题,其实叫什么都无所谓。问题是:(1)这两个成分之间有没有一个科学的区分标准?(2)一个句子成分的认定有无合理性?抑或随意性?(3)句子成分划分对句意理解有无影响...

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arrive on the top of the house对吗

我把句子给你改一下:We finally arrived ________ the top of the mountain.其实,arrive 后面用什么介词,不要太纠结了。你只需看后面的地点名词,需要什么就用什么!以下3个短语都可以跟arrive搭配。英语中似乎没有in the top of the mountain的说法。1. on the top of the mountain (在山尖)  2. at the top...

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China had planned this week to dismantle some of the rescue measures put in place when the stock market crashed last summer.【翻译】中国原计划于本周取消一些在去年夏天股市崩盘时引入的救市手段。【分析】1. had planned this week to do sth.:本周原计划去做某事(实际未实施)。英语中,像“原计划,原打算,原...

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