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for doing sth 是目的状语还是后置定语

rules for dealing with drug users:从结构和搭配看,for dealing with drug users 作定语,修饰rules。for 的意思很明显,表示“rules 的目的”。rule 后面接不定式作定语,应该是不存在的。因为rule 自身不能deal with drug users,它只能是人的“工具”。我再举个类似的例子,动名词作定语时的转换,即可说明它们的修饰关系...

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Study after study has shown that even in highly specialized fields , employers consistently rank the ability to communicate at or near the top of the skills they look for when deciding whom to hire and whom to promote.问题1: 请问该句子在逗号两边有两个动词 has shown 和 rank,为什么没有and?逗号不是只...

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网友抄写的句子不完整,漏掉了条件从句。【提醒】今后提问题必须保证句子的完整性,因为有些词语的省略是根据上下文而定的。有时候,主句省略词语是为了避免跟状语从句重复有关内容。If American society and business won’t make it easier on future female leaders who choose to have children, there is still the ray...

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Sometimes the best thing one can do is listen openly.【翻译】有时候,一个人能做的最好的事情,就是开诚布公地倾听。【分析】句子总体是一个“主系表结构”。Sometimes the best thing one can do(主语) is (系动词)listen openly(表语).1.  one can do:是the best thing 的定语。2.  listen openly:是...

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关于be to do/doing 系表结构的区别.


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have sth后面接不定式和现在分词的区别

to help them 作定语。1. 不定式作定语的一个突出标志是:被修饰词是不定式的逻辑主语。to help them 的逻辑主语,是前面的satellite, Internet or weather broadcast。2. 不定式若是作状语,其逻辑主语则是句子的主语。本句不成立:They help them?

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If I hadn't missed the bus,I'd have been there by now.此句没错。I'd have been there by now. = I'd have arrived there by now.be 的完成体可以表示“动态概念”,意思跟come,go,arrive 等接近。

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This and other promising findings (主语)about the life-changing effects of crises (主语的定语)are (系动词)the province of the new science of post-traumatic growth.(表语)【翻译】此次发现和其他有关“磨难改变人生”的发现前景广阔,属于“创伤后成长”这一新学科的研究领域。关于 post-traumatic grow...

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both either both

网友一定要注意书写(大小写和标点符号)。正误判断如下:1. Which one did you choose? Plan A or plan B?(正)2. Neither of them was accepted.(正)3. Both of them was not accepted.(误)句3,本用were 而误用了was。4. Either of them was not accepted.(误)5. I do not like both of the men.(正)6. I do...

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put...on notice结构

put sb. on notice :“习语”。通知某人;提醒某人;警告某人。on notice 也是“习语”。“处于通知、提醒、警告的状态”。put sb. on notice ,从字面意思理解就是:“使某人处于被通知、提醒、警告的状态”。that 从句是notice 的同位语。既然是习语,这样记住即可。

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