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talk about cheap的用法对吗

cheap 偶尔也用作名词,意为“廉价货”。talk about 意为“说起,谈起”。Talk about cheap. 意为“说起便宜货来”,典型的口语化英语。I got this cheap at a department store sale.  我在百货公司特价廉售时买到了这件便宜货。He is always trying to get things on the cheap.  他总是想贪便宜。

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ask ...to...中的介词to

“问某人一个问题”一般说:ask sb. a question也可说:ask a question of sb. 较少说:ask a question to sb.【说明】查阅美国语料库http://corpus.byu.edu/coca/,得出的结果是:1. ask a question of someone:50个例句2. asked a question of someone:14个例句3. ask questions of someone:137个例句4. asked...

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last Friday when I heard from you分析(定语从句还是状语从句...

when I heard from you 是定语从句。本问题可参考:http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/201608/4903.html 状语从句和定语从句之争有网友问:以下句子中的when a bomb exploded near the Stock Exchange作何种成分?纵观国内出版的语法书,一般都认为是时间状语从句,它跟last night一样,都是时间状语,修饰谓语动词。但感觉...

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many perhaps 的意思

many 指电影中的许多项目。---该电影能赢得奥斯卡奖吗?---我预测它会。有许多项目可能会(获奖),包括最佳男主角。

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Under Elizabeth trade grew这个是介词短语吗

Under Elizabeth trade grew, Spain was defeated and England became a European power.【答】这句话,under 是介词,宾语是Elizabeth,介词短语Under Elizabeth,意为“在伊丽莎白女王的统治之下”, trade grew 是个主谓句,与其他两个并列。以下是3个并列句:A, B and Ctrade grewSpain was defeated and England became...

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Miumiu 网友:猛然看到了你这个提问,感到惊喜。这么长时间里,怎么不提问问题了?欢迎你重新回到“答疑网”,我们会认真为你解答问题的。原翻译尚可,只是不够完美。为了更好理解句子意思,我重新翻译如下:President Barack Obama on Friday all but named Russian President Vladimir Putin as behind...

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Apparently sizing up the problem, Orky swam under the stretcher and allowed one of the men to stand on his head, something he’d never been trained to do.参考译文:奥基(鲸)显然看出了问题,它游到担架下,让其中一人站在它头上。 这种事从来没有训练它做过。请问老师,1)  Apparently sizing up the prob...

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同意曹老师的解答,但我有一个疑问。我经常看到曹老师这样注解than 及其后面的意思:This will lead to a far greater diversity of urban landscape designs compared with the urban landscape designs that are apparent today.据我所知,过去分词短语compared with 虽然表示比较意义,但句中不需出现比较级形...

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电子设备:electronic equipment 电气设备:electrical equipment

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We must prepare to purify ourselves…to rise above this mine thinking and be as God's own son, who said, love thy neighbor.译文:我们应该做好准备净化自己……要超越我的境界,我们要像上帝的亲儿子那样行事,他教导我们爱汝邻居。1、两个to do不定式是宾语吗?2、be as 是must be as吗?as是什么词性?什么意思...

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