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Mike, together with his parents, went to a picnic (或:went on a picnic)yesterday.考试还考“语法术语,语法名称”吗?“专四考试” 纯属没事找抽型的。这个句子,用来设计“主谓一致” ,还是不错的。不是用来分析 together with his parents 的句子成分的。毫无意义,且没有定论!我认为,这是语言表达多样化的体现:Mik...

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就Cats are a good topic.来探讨复数主语单数表语/宾语的情况

句子和表达逐个分析:(1)Cats are a good topic.(没问题)(2)Tigers are a dangerous animal.不定冠词表示“类别或种类”。既然如此,a 的含义是 a kind of,是“一种”不是“一只”。a dangerous animal 是“归属性表语”,没有任何问题。句子等于:Tigers are a dangerous kind of animal.(3)How much are these?They don...

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怎么区分without sb doing sth接的单宾语还是复合宾语?

There is no way to make that loan work without the family taking a real hit.我认为,此“without复合结构”中,the family 是逻辑主语,taking a real hit 是现在分词短语,也就是逻辑谓语。不宜看作动名词复合结构。理由如下:1. 遵循术语统一原则,既然我们承认 with + 宾语 + 现在分词 是 “with 复合结构”,那么,wit...

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on earth和on the earth区别

I wish I had done everything on earth with you.不用加 the。1. on earth,  属文学语言:世界上;人世间。(不翻译为“在地球上”)用于“全部意义、全否意义的代词、含最高级的名词” 之后,如 everything, nothing, the best man  之后。例句略。网友的句子便是此用法...

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He lived in poverty most of his life. most 是代词,most of + 时间,作状语表示持续时间。英语中作状语的时间段,之前常省略介词 for。例如:(for) most of the day,most of the year, most of his life。wair (for) three hours。 She lived and died a single woman. a single woman 理解为...

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The weather clearing up allows me to go fishing.The weather being fresh allows my fishing.The weather didn't allow us being hung out.She didn't mind her books being taken away and us...

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1. a quick dip into javascript这是名词词组,其中名词和动词是同源词。这个名词结构,缺少主语。就意思来看,只能转换为“动状结构”:dip into javascript quickly 还有比这更复杂的呢。仔细体会其含义:2. a flow of electricity through a wire or circuit,意思可转换为“主+动+状”结构:Electricity (主)fl...

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原级比较的结构是:as ...as...;没有 like...like... 结构。因为第一个as 是程度副词,意为“那样的;像一样的”,而 like 只用作介词,不能用作程度副词,去修饰副词或形容词。

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▲ 第一句:He left the room disappointed. 句中的 disappointed 是形容词,在句中所作的成分,目前有3种说法:(1) 主语补语;(2) 双谓语;(3) 伴随状语。我倾向于“伴随状语”。本句的含义是:他在失望的情况下离开了房间。He left the room in a state of disappointment. 或者 He left the room...

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last night (week,month,year)后可接when引导的定语从句吗

Ten people were killed and several were injured last night when a bomb exploded near the Stock Exchange.when 引导的是定语从句吗?——是的。如果是定语从句,那它是不是修饰副词短语last night?——完全正确。推而广之,last night, last week, last month, last year 等后面可以接when 引导的定语从句吗?——完全可以...

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