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because 引导表语从句,不存在强调问题,只是用来表明某事的原因是什么。变成陈述句为:It is because I peed in your banana room.

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hours 虽是名词,但作时间状语修饰worked。根据句子开头For years,可以判断谓语动词是现在完成时:have worked,因此hours 只能作时间状语了。表示某个动作持续的时间段,时间状语一般用for 表示,为了简练可以省略介词。实际是:have worked for hours。但是,其他介词原则不能省。又如:You said we were going to stay...

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all of your rooms与all your rooms有区别吗

all of your rooms,与all your rooms 意思相同,但结构不一样。前者all 是代词;后者 all 是限定词。

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Everything I had heard about him 转换为“主动宾”结构,即可理解:I had heard everything about him结论:about him 作 everything 的定语。也就是网友说的“第二层修饰语(定语)”。

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not yet的翻译

1. not yet 用于“系表结构”,可译为“并不是”。but this is not yet another criticism against the decline in education.但这并不是对教育衰退的又一次批评。2. not yet 用于行为动词的“完成时态”,可译为“还没有;尚未”。I have not yet found my key. 我还没有找到钥匙。英汉翻译,没有最好,只有更好。前提是吃透...

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take on 的意思

He was empathetically taking on the symptoms of all his patients.本句,take 是及物动词,on 是副词。如果宾语过短或是代词,则可以把 on 放在后面。即:take sth. on。字面意思:“把......承担下来,自己去抗”。引申意思:“与......较量”。

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such that 半倒装

such 作为代词,用作表语时,可以放在句首产生倒装语序。但是,它能作及物动词的宾语吗?网友举个例子看看。I did such. He saw such. She drank such. ——这些句子存在吗?即使存在,也没有倒装的可能。

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recall sb. (员工、职员等):召回某人V-T If you are recalled to your home, country, or the place where you work, you are ordered to return there. 召回 (某人)The U. S. envoy was recalled to Washington.该美国特使被召回了华盛顿。Ford Motor Co said Tuesday it will halt production until further notice, s...

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原句好好的,被网友改得错了。If you wanted to leave me behind, you shouldn't have told me where you were going.(正)If you want to leave me behind, you shouldn't have told me where you were going.(误)这句话,if 从句不存在使用“虚拟语气”,而是正宗的陈述语气,陈述过去发生的事儿。主句 shouldn&...

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I made a complete fool of myself.分析

网友把这个词组理解了,意思就懂了:make a fool of sb.  使某人出丑;让人看笑话;戏弄某人形容词 complete 说明 fool 的程度,意为“完全的,十足的”。oneself 反身代词表示“主语对自己”。例句:Don't have any more to do with him, he's trying to make a fool of you.别再理他了,他正在捉弄你呢。《汉英...

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