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The similarities between Mars and Earth were enough to keep alive hopes of some form of Martian life.1. 不定式的结构是:keep + 宾语 + 形容词(宾补)2. 因宾语hopes of some form of Martian life 太长,为了照顾句子的匀称,把形容词alive 提前了。3. keep hopes of some form of Martian life alive的含义是:使...

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the most compelling search for excellence是什么意思?

The Olympics remain the most compelling search for excellence that exists in sport, and maybe in life itself.【翻译】奥运会仍然是最引人注目的追求卓越的项目,(追求卓越)不仅在于体育运动,也许还在于生活本身。1. compelling:翻译为“引人注目”比较好。2. search for excellence:“对卓越的追求”,翻译为“追求...

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hundreds of后面可以接单数或不可数名词吗(2016年高考英语北京...

I have hundreds of printer paper, covered in self-written notes from your videos.这个句子无法理解,因为:1. hundreds of 后面只能接可数名词,不能接不可数名词。2. printer paper 是不可数的“物质名词”,意为“打印纸”,paper used for printing(用来打印的纸张)。根据句意看,似乎应是印有文字的卷子、文章、论文...

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翻译:It's a good father that knows his son. (分析语法要点)


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涉及If it had not been for...的语法考题

赞同曹老师后面的补充分析。既然主句的操作词(operator)是非正式语体的couldn’t,那么,条件句就不会再使用Had it not been 这样过于正式的语体,否则,会导致主从句两种语体相悖。所以,本问题答案为A。此外,if 条件句还可以用:If it hadn't been ...

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substitute sth与substitute for sth的区别

substitute 的基本意思是“代替”。指在需要时,把某事物用作代替者或用某事物替换某事物。在美式英语中,substitute 只能用作及物动词;在英式英语中,substitute 可用作及物动词,也常用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语;用作不及物动词时,常接介词for。例如:Honey can substitute sugar in this recip...

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Did she imagine for a second that he did not regret his expulsion from the team a hundred times more than she did?官方翻译:她难道没有想过,他被迫离队不比她难过一百倍吗?根据翻译,我觉得这个句子的否定词否定的不是动词 regret,并不是“他不后悔”,而是用 not 否定的是 Did she imagine,即是 Did not she ima...

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best bargains是什么意思

There I can always find the best bargains.【翻译】在那里,我总能找到最好的便宜货。bargain 其中的一个意思是:“便宜货,廉价商品,特价商品,减价出售的商品”,是可数名词。英文解释是:Something that is a bargain is good value for money, usually because it has been sold at a lower price than normal.Early b...

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English Expert:您的解答,我看了半天,仍感觉云里雾里。说实话,我不知道您是否真地读懂了网友的问题。请您详解,愿闻其详:

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feel so crushing a loss是什么结构用法

这个句子 Tom is too clever a boy to make such a mistake. 似乎是应该这样表达:Tom is too clever a boy not to make such a mistake.既然是clever,即使前面有too 修饰,后面的不定式也不应该犯错。所以,应在to 之前加not 才是。

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