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in a way that句的分析

This animated reworking of the Spidey mythos is fresh and exhilarating in a way that very few of its live-action counterparts have been. 【翻译】这部蜘蛛侠神话的动画翻拍令人耳目一新和振奋,(其方式)是很少有真人电影能够做到的。1. 表“方式” 的way 之后接定语从句,用 that, in which 或者直接省略关系...

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call 不接双宾语,但可以接复合宾语:call + 名词/代词 + 名词the country they call home:他们称之为家园的国家。这个名词词组中,they call home 是定语从句,the country 是先行词,实际也是call的宾语,省去了关系代词that。home 是the country 的宾语补足语。

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There appears to be increasing support for the leadership to take a more aggressive stance.【翻译】似乎越来越多的人支持领导层采取更积极的态度。(直译:似乎有越来越多的让领导层采取更积极态度的支持。)【分析】最简单和直接的分析是:for the leadership to take a more aggressive stance  是“动词不定式...

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concrete, parctical区别

concrete,practical这两个词不是同义词,没有可比性。前者是“具体的、有形的”;后者是“实际的、实用的、可操作的”。我把它们放在同一个语境中,辨别一下:1. a set of concrete, practical proposals, 一套具体、实用的建议2. concise, concrete, practical rules, 简洁、具体、实用的规则3. Milan has become a concrete,...

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be down to怎么理解

be down to 有三层意思:1. 仅剩下2. 降低至3. 比喻“归功于”,本句便是词意。The British museum's increased popularity is down to its exhibitions.【翻译】大英博物馆越来越受欢迎要归功于它的展览(指展览次数或展品丰富)。

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Not because I didn’t care about what had happened, but because the enormity of it meant it was simply too difficult to immediately process. 【翻译】不是因为我不关心所发生的事情,而是因为它的严重性意味着很难立即处理。动词 mean 表示“意味着;意思是”,是及物动词,可以接that 引导的宾语从句。而that...

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most famous 前面为什么不用定冠词

网友能够知道,物主代词或名词属格跟冠词冲突(二者取其一),这已经很不错了。不过,对C、D这两个明显的错误,怎么会有疑问呢?在名词属格后面能加 are 或and 吗?某人最著名的作品之一:one of Tom's most famous books (正)one of Tom's are most famous books (误)one of Tom's and most famous books...

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Game of Thrones 权利的游戏 是所有格关系吗?

Game of Thrones  权力的游戏(电视名)简析:我曾经跟网友说过,of 有10几种意思,表达10几种关系。具体意义要结合具体搭配来分析和判断。就本表达而言,of 是“关于;涉及”之意,等于about。网友可能要问,为何不用about 而用of 呢?这就属于编剧和导演的权力和自由了。其次,还有一种解释:用 of 比about 简练、上口...

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此题正确答案应为:A feel like。虽然说话时并没有吃火锅,但这种感觉已经形成,是一种习惯了。所以,使用一般现在时。如果填felt like 是指过去当时的感觉,like 引导的表语从句要跟主句的felt 一致或呼应,所以应改为 was on fire。此外,在当代英语中,几乎所有的感官系动词都可以与like 连用。此时,like 可以是介词,...

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我认为,句子有拼写错误。应改为:Rather than have people simply rate their beauty compared with others, he asked them to identify an original photogragh of themselves’ from a lineup including versions that had been altered to appear more and less attractive.【简析】1. rather than... 是“准并列连...

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