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hate it that 还是 hate that

是的,你的理解完全正确。hate 不能直接跟宾语从句,但可以用it 形式宾语代之。explain 是及物动词,不能没有宾语。须说:explain sth. to sb. 如果宾语太长,则可以说:explain to sb. sth.I hate it that/when you can not explain it to me more detailedly.

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This is me with my manager’s hat on talking. 请问这个句子是什么意思? 句子中的介词短语 with my manager’s hat on 是修饰人称代词 me 的定语吗?【答】with my manager’s hat on:叫作“with 复合结构”,构成方式:with + 宾语 + 副词,在本句作定语,修饰me。再举一个类似的例句:The proud girl walked away...

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Their concern is that a vicious circle may set in, with those unable to cope with the real world retreating further and further away into the virtual one beyond the computer screen.请问老师,本句的with复合结构(with + 代词 + to do)里面是否又包含了一个现在分词短语作伴随状语即红色部分“retreating...

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being 和 as 有何区别

同意曹老师的解答。不过,在表意上应该有所区别:1. Being a student, you should work hard. (现在分词表“原因”)2. As a student, you should work hard. (介词短语表“身份”)

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due to 后面的成分分析

At dusk, a red sky indicates that dry weather is on the way. This is due to the sun shining through dust particles being pushed ahead of a high pressure system bringing in dry air. A red sky in the morning is due to the sun again shining through dust.【翻译】黄昏时,红色的天空预示着干燥的天气即将来...

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how 能引导状语从句和定语从句吗

语法规定,how 只能引导名词性从句,不能引导方式状语从句或定语从句。但在现实语言中,偶尔见到how 引导“方式状语从句”的情况,例如网友的句子:1. Do it how you can. 你尽可能试着做做看。【说明】这个句子的特点是:在主句中,用代词it 作宾语,替代“方式状语从句”how you can 的内容。意思是:“做你能够做的。”2. I wo...

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Although still riddled with uncertainties, the science of climate change is becoming firmer: put too much carbon in the atmosphere and you might end up cooking the earth, with possible catastrophic results. 【翻译】尽管仍然充满着不确定性,但气候变化的科学研究,其结论正在变得越来越明确:如果在大...

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all over 直接用作表语的用法

这句话的意思是这样的:The raid was all over in 3 minutes. 空袭在3分钟后全部结束。over 是“结束”;all over 是“全部结束”。over 是副词,不表示“持续”。in 3 minutes:在3分钟后。表达此意时,in不可省略。网友把over 误解为介词“持续”,后面的3 minutes 是持续的时间,所以,才认为in 是不是多余。关于翻译,“空...

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do的用法疑问(We do offer to arrange special trips.)

谓语动词之前加do, does, did,可以用来强调谓语动词,此用法限于“一般时态”的句子。这时,谓语动词使用原形。如此用法,相当于加了一个副词:really。We do offer to arrange special trips.=We really offer to arrange special trips.

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新概念Lesson 18句子语法问题

These peculiar forms not only seemed designed to shock people emotionally, but to give them electronic shocks as well!【翻译】这些奇特的造型,看起来故意设计的不仅要给人以情感上的震撼,而且还要给人以电子冲击。很简单:seemed 是系动词,意为“看起来,似乎是”;designed 是形容词作表语,意为“特意的;故意的”...

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