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When you go on a holiday, it's always a problem to decide where to live. (where 是连接副词,副词不需要介词)When you go on a holiday, it's always a problem to decide what place to live (in). (若是名词,可以加 in,也可以省略)

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feel like that等于feel as if 吗(that后面是表语还是宾语)

feel like that (正):like 是介词,that 是指示代词。feel like that .......(误):like that 不可以引导从句。feel like + 表语从句 = feel as if + 表语从句sb said back in 2010:said 缺宾语,应有宾语或直接引语。back 副词,表示时间回顾。意为“早在”,修饰 in 2010。句子意思:早在2010年某人说过.......。

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so...that中 that引导的目的状语从句时 that可省吗

 He has so organized his life that his wife suspects nothing,     他把生活安排得井井有条,为的是不让妻子有任何怀疑。    我想问的是,此时that仍然可以省吗?【答】牛津高阶双解对这句话,理解和翻译都有误。that 引导的是“结果状语从句”,不是目的。这句话,that 不可省略!在引导结果状...

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The researchers also filtered the sharks' feces from the water using a fine mesh(方式状语), allowing them to test how much of what went in came out.(结果状语)状语的名称,是根据其在句中的作用和意思决定的。不要考虑复杂了,你只需考虑它与谓语动词或整个句意的关系,即可判断出是什么性质的状语。现在...

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at that time的理解问题

The current fighting started on September 27. It has been described as the worst in the territory since the early 1990s. At that time, as many as 30,000 people were killed before Russia helped negotiate a halt to the fighting. The ceasefire agreement left the dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan f...

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1.  同位语是不用 and 连接的。用 and 连接说明是两个并列成分。如果并列成分的结构不对等,例如,一半是“短语”,一半是“分句”,则说明其中有省略。A new, a noble role, and Evelyn Nixon was a fine example of it: the receiver, not the giver, of beautiful inventions.划线部分是个名词词组,and 后面是一个并列...

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after doing sth的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致

介词短语 after making it to the moon 是时间状语,修饰 resting on its laurels ,不是修饰 accused,其逻辑主语是 NASA,而不是句子的主语。

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你的问题属于一种语言现象,不是个例。从本质上讲就是:现在完成时,用在“时间状语从句”或者“条件状语从句”中,表示将来业已完成的动作或状态,代替将来完成时。这跟“主将从现”是一个道理。例如:1. 时间状语从句:until, as soon as, whenStay in the house until the danger has passed.  躲在家里,直到危险过后再...

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按照你提供的汉语句子“音乐被称为世界的语言。”理解,答案应该是:A。从语法方面看,这两个句子都不错,但意思上有较大差别。Music is called the universal language.音乐被称为世界的语言。(客观事实)Music has been called the universal language.音乐曾被称为世界的语言。(过去人们曾经那样称过)严...

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by the end of后接过去时间可连用哪些时态

“by the end of + 过去时间”,可以跟一般过去时连用,表示某个状态持续到这个过去时间为止。例如:1. By the end of the evening they were all absolutely paralytic.  晚上结束时,他们全都酩酊大醉。 2. The Youth Training Scheme was operative by the end of 1983.  青年培训计划一直持续到1983年底。3. Th...

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