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like or loathe the company是哪一种让步状语或是单纯的省略

like or loathe something 或者 like it or loathe it,均为英语习语。意为:“喜欢也好,讨厌也罢”,“不管喜欢,还是厌恶”。表示让步,看作独立成分也可。like 和 loathe 都是动词原形。类似祈使句格式。But like or loathe the company, its new scheme has legs.但是,无论是喜欢还是讨厌这家公司,它的新规划都有其...

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同位语一点不错。这里proof 等于evidence。There is no proof(=evidence) that the knife belonged to her.分析英文句子要看结构,而不是看中文翻译。如果看中文翻译,那么,这个句子怎么办?I have no idea (我不知道)what you want to know. 划线部分能分析为宾语从句吗?

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当然,本句用 before 没有问题,但是用 when 也没错。when 在这里的意思,带有让步概念,相当于 even when 或 though。

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He is more a worker than a teacher. 与其说它是老师,不如说他更像一名工人。这句话,more 由 much 变来。much 是“程度副词”。如果后面接了of ,much 或 more 就是“代词”。以下3种表达都正确,只是结构不同:He is more a worker than a teacher.He is more of a worker than a teacher.He is more like a worker than a...

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the wrong way 是什么用法

现代英语,the way 之前省略介词为常态。网友的句子省略了on:即 on the wrong way。the way 跟 in 连用,指“方法”,不是“道路”。in the wrong way(用错误的方法)the way 省略介词举例:come this waydrive the correct wayDo the job the way I do it.

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They still cannot fire a worker caught committing a crime =They still cannot fire a worker who was caught committing a crimecatch a worker committing a crime:当场发现一个工人在犯罪a work is caught committing a crime

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have of的理解问题

but rather the image people have of spatial relationships——总体是一个名词词组。but rather (“而宁可说是”)the image (people have) of spatial relationships1. but rather:是对前文所描述情况的修正。意为“而更确切地说;倒不如说”。2. people have:定语从句。把中心词 the image 和作定语的 of spat...

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Adjusting the heater fan can take twice as long when using a touchscreen rather than a physical button.我认为,原句这个表达有语病。应改为:Adjusting the heater fan when using a touchscreen can take twice as long as when using a physical button.【翻译】调节加热器风扇所需时间,使用触摸屏时是使用物理按...

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or rather的用法

I met him very late on Friday, or rather, early on Saturday morning.【翻译】我星期五很晚才见到他,或者更确切地说,是星期六一早。or rather,是一个副词词组,起 “连接副词” 的作用,引出下文。意为“更精确地说,倒不如说”,是对前文的“解释、修正、甚至反面”。不可省略。又如:The building is like a palace, or r...

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China has accepted western fashion and technology as it has developed these years, but a lot of young people are turning to the past for their clothes choices and putting on traditional “hanfu”. as it has developed these years—— 把一个表示 “原因” 的从句,当作“时间” 从句使用,确实不当...

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