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你给的句子有误。应该是这个样子:As children, my sister and I thought every family was like that. Every family had an unpredictable dad who was impossible to please and a praying mom who was there to protect the children.【翻译】还是孩子的时候,我和姐姐认为每一个家庭都是这样的。每个家庭都有一个捉摸不...

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10 赞同

be key to doing sth的用法疑问

Reform is key to modernizing agriculture.想问一下这里为什么是ing。【答】首先说明,你的句子有个小差错。key前应加定冠词the,因为它是可数名词,用在这里表示“关键”之意,是特定的,特指的。改为:Reform is the key to modernizing agriculture. 改革是实现农业现代化的关键。还有,你写的“中英的政府工作报告”属失误...

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all the enemy's hopes were destroyed

看了English Expert讲了这么多,不过,这似乎不是网友真正的疑问。我猜测,网友想知道destroy中的y为何不变成i,然后再加ed。所以特解答如下:规则的动词过去式、过去分词的构成,其中有一条是:1. 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词,变y为i再加-ed,例如:apply, carry, fly --- applied, carried, flied2. 以“元音字母+y”结尾的...

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be ready to eat还是be ready to be eaten

使用主动语态或被动语态都可以。1. 用主动相当于: ...that is ready for sb. to eat (主动式意味着在不定式前省略了for sb. 逻辑主语)2. 用被动相当于:...that is ready to be eaten by sb.(被动式意味着不定式之后省略了介词短语by sb.)【主动语态】The apples are ripe and ready (for us)to eat. 苹果完全熟了,随...

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12 赞同

such as to do sth可以用作哪些成分

The pain in her foot wasn’t such as to stop her walking. 她脚疼,但还不至于不能行走。【分析】本句,such 是形容词作表语,表示程度;as to stop her walking 是不定式作结果状语。【注】不定式前面的as 跟such或so搭配,说明such,so 表示的的程度达到了某种结果。本句是“such (名词)+ as to do”的变式。也就是...

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毛姆名篇中一个句子里三个that的理解(that...that and the fact...

I suppose that is why he came to me when he went broke, that and the fact that he was a namesake of mine. 【翻译】我想这就是他身无分文时来找我的原因,此外他与我同名也是其中一个原因吧。1. 第一个that 是指示代词,指代“前述事件”。2. that and the fact that:不用分析,越分析越麻烦,主要是第二个that 以及th...

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2 赞同


The Chinese Football Association (CFA) has warned Guangzhou Evergrande midfielder Paulinho following his involvement in a gambling advert alongside a Japanese porn actress.【翻译】广州恒大中场球员保利尼奥曾参与赌博广告以及与日本色情演员有染,之后,中国足球协会(CFA)给予其警告。【分析】这里的followi...

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5 赞同


【东西方的思维差异】.东方人由表及里,西方人由里到表 .东方人由大到小,西方人从小到大 .东方人重感性,西方人重理性 .东方人重经验,西方人重理论 .东方人重综合,西方人重分析 .东方人从薄弱地方入手,西方人就地挖坑 .东方人对外封闭,西方人对外开放 .东方人先作铺垫,西方人先说主题 .东方人外冷内热,西方人外热内...

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Mr Smith is such a good teacher as we all respect.【答】就目前这个句子的结构来看,as we all respect 引导的是定语从句,先行词为teacher,而且,as 作respect 的宾语。但就意思来看,定语从句不如结果状语从句更具逻辑性。既然是结果状语,则使用such...that...结构,其中that从句为结果状语从句,因此,应把上...

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关于 should said sb do sth 的问题

This module initiates and facilitates communication with a customer's smartphone the moment it's within range, and should said customer accept the connection, it can be set up to automatically connect in the future.【答】and 是连词,不需分析。只分析这句话:should said customer accept the con...

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