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I happened on one occasion to be spending a few days there, waiting for a ship, and I was introduced to him at the British Club.有一次,我正好因为登船,要在那里呆几天,在英语俱乐部经人介绍与他相识。请问老师,Waiting for a ship 在此句中是1)现在分词作原因状语,还是2)spending a few days there waiting...

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12 赞同


Did she imagine for a second that he did not regret his expulsion from the team a hundred times more than she did?官方翻译:她难道没有想过,他被迫离队不比她难过一百倍吗?根据翻译,我觉得这个句子的否定词否定的不是动词 regret,并不是“他不后悔”,而是用 not 否定的是 Did she imagine,即是 Did not she ima...

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“名词词组”、“名词短语” —— 是以名词为中心词的词组或短语。“名词性词组”、“名词性短语” —— 该术语,强调了某个词组或短语具有名词性质或作用,例如:动名词短语。它具有名词的性质,可以作主语、宾语或表语等。上次你提问的是这个短语:child rearing, 我称它为“名词性词组”,当然称它是“名词词组/短语”也没问题。网友的...

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是的,是引导方式状语从句。在方式状语从句中,可以省略“主语 + be”,基本规则是:在某些状语从句中,当其主语跟主句的主语一致,而且含有be 动词时,可以把主语(一般是代词充当)以及be 动词一起省略。旨在使句子更加简洁和生动。这个省略规则必须满足3个条件:(1)限于某些状语从句;(2)主、从句的主语必须一致...

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查一下原文,has done 还是has gone?

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there being,there be,there would be,there was的区别

No one had told Smith about_____ a lecture the following day.A. there being B. there be C. there would be  D. there was【答】因为介词about无法跟that从句,there would be就是一个省略了that的名词性从句。但它可以接动名词或“动名词的复合结构”。所以,there be的“动名词的复合结构”是there being。请仔细体...

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11 赞同

there be 句式主语后的不定式用主动式与被动式的疑问

网友的句子,不定式也可以用被动形式:There are lots of interesting things to be seen there.但区别是:1. There are lots of interesting things to see there.= There are lots of interesting things (for us) to see there.不定式的逻辑主语是“人”。2. There are lots of interesting things to be seen there.= The...

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分析:Please arrange a car to take me there.

网友的句子有误,应改为:Please arrange for a car to take me there.这样的话,就是:动词不定式的复合结构 for a car to take me there 作目的状语。注意:arrange 不能跟双宾语, 也不能跟复合宾语。不定式的复合结构for sb. to do sth.,用在不及物动词后面,作目的状语,这在英语中比较常见。例如:I'll arrange f...

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考研句子分析(adding to...)

Adding to a woman's increased dose of stress chemicals, are her increased "opportunities" for stress.【翻译】在女性产生紧张因素的化学物质上火上添油的,是其不断增多的承受压力的“机会”。【分析】关于这种句子的结构分析,请参见我以前的一个解答:http://ask.yygrammar.com/q-21533.html1. increas...

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网友说的情况,只能是个例,不是普遍现象。例如,表示“除……之外”的but 和except,在句中常与no, nobody,none,no one,nothing,not anything 等含有否定意义的词连用,后面接不定式,不接动名词。but 接不定式的例句:1. I had no alternative but to accept the offer. 我除了接受该项提议之外,别无选择。2. I did...

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