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win-win cooperation is the only choice for us, be

完整的句子应该是这样的:Win-win cooperation is the only choice for us, be it in good times or bad.【翻译】无论是顺境还是逆境,合作共赢是我们唯一的选择。be it in good times or bad,是“让步状语从句”的特殊说法。等于:whether it is in good times or badwhether it may be in good times or badwhether it be...

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Between 1910 and the 1920s, several raids were undertaken against the tribe that were intended to exterminate it.【翻译】1910年至20世纪20年代期间,该部落遭到了几次突袭,目的是消灭它。一、开头的between 1910 and 1920和 between 1910 and the 1920s有什么区别吗? 【答】当然有。前者指10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1...

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英语中没有“短语名词”这个概念或术语,只有后者。我记得,网友上次提出了一个不存在的“动词谓语”, 希望不要自己制造术语。

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It is what powers the giant advertising and marketing industries in their relentless attempts to map and exploit our cognitive and emotional vulnerabilities.It 是人称代词,意为“它;这;那”;what 是融合性关系代词,没有疑问概念。what 本身指“某物;某件事”,既是先行词,又同时做了关系代词。所以,what = t...

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get carried away是什么意思

1. get carried away 是 be carried away 的变式,也是一种被动形式,强调动作和渐变性。意思是:“忘乎所以,不能自我控制,感情用事”。2. help 这里表示“抑制住;控制住”,多用于否定结构,一般跟can 或could 连用,构成:can/could not hlep,“不能抑制;控制不了;情不自禁”。所以,网友的句子:No one could help getti...

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as the old saying goes作何分析

“Practice makes perfect,” as the old saying goes.网友理解正确!这里, as the old saying goes,实际是“比较状语从句”。不是方式状语从句(方式从句,是指主句里面的那个动作,按照as 里面的方式去做。例如:Read the new words as I've told you.)所谓“比较”,就是说,前面的这个谚语,跟as 引导的这个...

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a great fun 的疑惑

fun 是不可数名词,即便加了形容词great 修饰,也是不可数。因此,就有了 It is great fun.a fun journeya great fun journey以上两个词组,a 是 journey 的冠词,fun 用作定语,a 与其没有关系。

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look like...the most 的语法分析

在含有like (像)的句子中,表示程度的 much  修饰介词 like,不是修饰动词。无论比较级 more,还是最高级 the most,都是如此。此外,因为是副词的最高级,the 可以省略。演变过程:1. She looks like her father.2. She looks much like her father.  3. She looks more like her father. 4. S...

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than there is 后省略了什么

than 后面省略与前文重复的成分,这在比较句中十分常见。所以,网友记住这一点,就可以补全省略的成分,帮助理解句子。就像前面提问的问题一样:I would no more think of hitting a student than I would (think of hitting) a policeman.你的句子补全如下:At first glance, it looks as if there is no element of “pres...

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