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The present subjunctive form of the verb to be is invariably be for all persons, and the past subjunctive form of the verb to be is invariably were. In all other verbs the subjunctive form varies from the indicative only in that, in the present tense, the third person singular ending is lost.【翻译...

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I'm supposed to make out like, what...这句话如何解释?

1. be supposed to do,意为“应该做某事”。 make out,意为:顺利开展,获得成功。I'm supposed to make out,意为:我应该一路顺风,成功得意。2. like在本句没有实际意义。可用作美国俚语,是感叹词,意为:“唷,嘿,你看”。【全文翻译如下】You have no fucking idea who I am!你他妈的根本不知道我是谁! (have no i...

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理清这个问题,请注意考虑以下3个方面:1. 当一个句子含有without 短语时,是否使用虚拟语气,取决于句子的表意是否含有虚拟的假设和结果。2. 如果确定了without 表达虚拟条件,那么,跟其他虚拟句一样,句子可能会存在3种不同时间的虚拟语气情况。这时,要特别注意句子谓语动词使用何种形式。3. 为了简单地理解 without .....

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Henry will not be able to attend the meeting tonight because he will be teaching a class.关于because从句为何使用“将来进行时”的问题,曹老师的解释如下:原因状语从句用将来进行时,因为上课的时间比开会的时间长。即开会的这个时间,他将正在上课,开会的时间在他上课这段时间之内。当说话人的注意力(关心的时间)...

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你的句子,每个单词的首字母为何都用了大写?是文章标题吗?若不是,建议改为:This is exactly how many hours of sleep you need to burn fat fast.这个句子的表语部分,实际就是how 引导的一个名词性从句,也叫表语从句。英语中,几乎所有的wh-word 都可以引导表语从句,例如:what, when, where, how, why 等。表语部分...

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这个问题,已经超出了使用物主代词,还是宾格代词的问题。我认为,这句话选用任何一个答案,都不对。saying such things to her 这个动名词,根本不需要逻辑主语,saying 的逻辑主语明摆着是句子主语“我”。若再加逻辑主语my 或me,反而错了。正确的表达是:I told her that I was so sorry for saying such things to her....

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performative verb(施为动词)是什么意思

performative verb (施为动词),简单地说,就是一种“言语行为”性质的动词。就是说,这个动词表示的动作是通过speech 表达出来的,它是一个speech-act。例如:表示与“说”有关的各种各样的动词,如:say, speak, talk, state, tell, call, name, explain, murmur, whisper, chat, utter 等,还有 promise, invite,...

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that fold up 在句中做什么成分

The vehicle --- named the Transition --- has two seats, four wheels and wings that fold up so it can be driven like a car.that fold up 是定语从句,修饰wings。在这个定语从句中,还包含着一个目的状语从句so it can be driven like a car。考虑到定语从句较长,可以单独翻译成一句。意思是:它们折叠起来就可以像...

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​As simple as it sounds作什么成分(是比较状语吗)

As simple as it sounds, the short version of my response is that you have to know what it is you ultimately want to accomplish.【翻译】尽管听起来很简单,但我的简要回答是,你必须知道你最终想要实现什么。【分析】从翻译就已经看出来了:As simple as it sounds 是让步状语从句,不是比较状语从句,这是美国英语...

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not only...but also前后谓语动词词性不一致可以吗

It is not only white but also has long hair.网友的疑问可能是:not only... but also... 这个成对的并列连词,连接的成分若不对等,可以吗? 答案是肯定的。实际上本句在 has之前,承前省略了主语 it:It is not only white but also it has long hair.意为:它(某种动物)不仅浑身白色,而且还长有长毛。

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