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网友的理解,可谓  “另辟蹊径”。把they had expected after years of painstaking research 看作是 a result 的定语从句。完全可以!这样,This (This result)与a result 形成比较。不错。

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through 与 throughout 用法区别

在表示“贯穿;遍及” 这个义项时,它们是同义词。但后者更加强调。

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此题正确答案应该是B,为什么要排除它?This question is too hard for any of us to work out.此题的关键点是,不定式暗含否定意义,所以:(1)它的逻辑主语不能是包括全部人的肯定词: everyone 等,(2)也不能是否定词:none of us, no noe, nobody 等,(3)它一定是介于这两者之间的非肯定词: any of us, anyone, a...

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He is more a fool than a rouge(?).本句,比较对应项是 much,在 than 从句中必须省略;a rouge 和 a fool 不是比较对应项,而是同一个主语需要取舍的两个表语。参与比较的成分都是 he is,因为重复而省略。能够补充的成分是he is:He is more a fool than he is a rouge.He is more dead than alive.分析同上。与上句...

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It leaves little pools of water in amongst the rocks.本句,in 是副词小品词,表示“漏进;滴入”,是 leaves 导致的结果,作宾补。amongst 介词,跟 among 同义。【翻译】它在岩石之间留下了几小滩水。类似结构,又如:The boys ran in among the people, crying out.男孩子们跑进人群中,大声喊道。

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The reason why...is that...句式分析

看成分划分:The reason (主语)why he didn't come (定语从句)was (系动词)that he was ill.(表语从句)主语部分含有一个定语从句,而不是主语从句。注意概念不同。

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than I would a policeman 省略了什么

I would no more think of hitting a student than I would a policeman.比较从句中,在 would 之后省略了与主句重复的部分:I would no more think of hitting a student than I would (think of hitting) a policeman.关于句意,网友需要知道:no more ... than... 结构,是对两者的全部否定就行了。I would no more thin...

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句子成分分析:​Don't eat eggs raw.


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Commenting on the find, snake expert Robert Henderson from the Museum of Natural History said:  “Worldwide new species of frogs are being discovered and described quite regularily.”1. snake expert Robert Henderson from the Museum of Natural History said,是句子的主语和谓语动词,直接引语为said...

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If I had such a tyre, this face of mine were full as lovely is this of hers.句子没错啊。为了直观好懂,我在 full 后面加一个逗号:If I had such a tyre, this face of mine were full,  as lovely as is this of hers.【翻译】如果我有这样的头饰,我的这张脸会丰满圆润,和她的脸一样妩媚。我觉得,虚拟语气倒...

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